Five Things Friday 10.31.2014

Happy Halloween!!

Mom sent me a Halloween card and I just have to share the little comic she put on the back πŸ™‚

Halloween Card

Made me giggle…I think that’s everyone’s worst fear!!

Tonight, Brian and I are going to a Halloween party as Marry Poppins and Bert. Β Our costumes look pretty legit just laying out, so I’m hoping they look just as good when we put them on!

Mary Poppins Halloween

What are your Halloween plans? Β Passing out candy? Β Eating candy? Β Going to a party? Β Hopefully something fun πŸ™‚

Alright! Let’s have a little Five Things Friday!

five things friday

Five Things I Ate:

  • Hot tea. Β So, technically this is something I drank, but I’m counting it as something I “ate” because these teas taste so. darn. good!!

The Trader Joe’s Harvest Blend Herbal Tea has a touch of cinnamon, apple and lots of other fall flavors that just make me say Mmmmm…the entire time I drink it.

Trader Joe's Fall Tea


This Numi Rooibos Tea is also fantastic! Β It has a vanilla-y, warm flavor that almost tastes sweet and feels so smooth in my mouth. Β I love that it’s caffeine-free because it has been making an appearance after dinner in the Rochford household.

Rooibos Tea

  • I whipped up a super simple curry for dinner on Monday night that I served with quinoa. Β So yummy and easy!


  • Baked salmon with Gina (the Fitnessista’s) Kale Salad. Β You gotta try it!

Kale Salad and Salmon

  • Grapes. Β I saw them at the grocery store last weekend and thought they would make an easy mid-morning snack. Β I totally forgot how delicious grapes were. Β They are soooo sweet. Β Kind of like nature’s candy!

1-photo (30)

  • I tested out a breakfast casserole that I plan on making during Thanksgiving week while Brian’s family is staying with us. Β It was a hit and Brian and I have been enjoying it all week! Β (Eggs, coconut milk, kale, spinach, sweet potatoes)

breakfast casserole

Five Workouts:

  • Tabata Cycle
  • Boot Camp
  • Yoga
  • Weight Lifting (I LOVE getting back in the weight room)

Five Things Making Me Happy:

  • Fun Socks! Β Brian’s family got me some socks with little teeth on them πŸ™‚ So cute!

Teeth Socks

  • Essential Oils! Β Jesseny from TheΒ Empowered MommaΒ sent me some essential oils to test out a few weeks ago and I have been loving them.

TheΒ DeepΒ Blue RubΒ has been great for rubbing on sore post-workout muscles, and we love putting the lemon essential oil in our cleaning products to give them a lemony fresh scent! Β Brian and I use all-natural unscented cleaning products, so adding the essential oils is a nice change πŸ™‚

Thanks for the samples Jesseny!

doTERRA essential oils

  • Speaking of oils…this Taspen’s Organics No More Aches Oil has been a lifesaver when it comes to headaches. Β I really hate loading up on pain killers, but when I feel a headache creeping in sometimes there really is NOTHING that will make the pain go away…until I found this oil! I found it at the Pearl Street Farmer’s Market about a month ago (it’s from a local Colorado company!). Β When I first made the purchase I was a little skeptical, but I am so glad I decided to give the oil a try.

As soon as I feel a headache coming on, I dab a little around the base of my neck and on my temples and drink a huge glass of water. Β Literally within about 30 minutes the headache is GONE. Β Seriously amazing. Another great thing? Β This little roller is the PERFECT size to slide in my purse so I have it on hand at all times just in case!

headache oil

  • New Friends. Β Brian and I have had so much fun meeting and hanging out with new friends out here in Denver πŸ™‚ Β I love it!

tara and marisa

Erin and Tara

Hiking Mt. Bierstadt

  • I saw this quote from Jodi ofΒ Legal Nomads in my Self Magazine last night and I loved it!Β Such a simple (but I’m sure effective!) goal to help keep yourself on point.

Goals - Inspiration

Posts I Have Loved:

Tasty Treats:



Blogging/Social Media:


I hope you all have a fantastic Halloween and first weekend of November!! πŸ™‚

Your Turn!

  • Share something awesome about your week or weekend!Β 
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  1. I had the same costume as you with my husband last year!!:) I went to a work party w it and knew I would be the only one with it bc I made the Mary poppins costume myself…. But there was another girl dressed up EXACTLY like me!! What are the odds! Still a very cute costume!

  2. I love rooibos tea – thanks for the reminder to get back into it as an after dinner drink πŸ™‚ Can’t wait to see a photo of your costumes on! And I hope you’re sharing that egg bake recipe soon..!? Yum!

    Hope to hang with you two soon – enjoy your hiking this weekend!