DIY Wallpaper Photo Mat Board

After seeing other people online create DIY photo mat boards using remnant fabric and remnant wallpaper, I decided to give it a try for Claire’s bedroom. The process was simple and the end result is a custom wallpaper photo mat board that elevates the room decor.

Supplies for DIY Wallpaper Photo Mat Board

this post contains affiliate links to the exact products I used

  • X acto knife
  • Frames, 11×14
  • Plain mat boards
  • Remnant wallpaper (I used leftover wallpaper from Claire’s ensuite bathroom so the decor in her room coordinates)
  • Prints, 8×10
  • Spray mount
  • Ruler (we didn’t have a ruler/straight edge for cutting but definitely recommend it)
  • Surface to cut on, we used a cutting board
  • Sheet to cover the work surface
  • Pencil
  • Scissor

Process for DIY Wallpaper Photo Mat Board

Step 1:

Get out all of your materials, including something to cover the space where you are going to spray the adhesive.

Step 2:

Trace the mat boards on the back of the wallpaper. Use the ruler to draw a straight X from corner to corner in the middle.

Step 3:

Cut the wallpaper around the outside portion of the traced area with scissors.

Step 4:

Lay the cut wallpaper on the cutting surface and use the Xacto knife to cut the X in the center of the tracing area. This will help cut out the hole where the picture goes. You will have 4 triangle flaps in the center at this point. Cut those flaps into a smaller size so they fold over the mat like a little tab.

Step 5:

Place your mat on the traced and cut wallpaper. Fold the tabs in the center of the mat over the mat to secure it. Make sure you like the position, then remove the mat, spray your wallpaper with spray mount and place the mat back in place and press to secure the wallpaper to the mat.

Step 6:

Place the mat with the wallpaper on it in your picture frame, place your picture or print in the frame and secure it closed. Hang and enjoy!

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