It’s Friday!
This week has felt a little long to me because I had two days off right in the middle of the week. I’m the kind of girl who loves a routine so the random days off and inconsistent schedule of working in the retail world kind of trip me up.
After my workout this morning, I had a delicious bowl of fruit and granola.
Apples, bananas, blackberries and granola on the bottom. Tasty!
This morning’s workout was another video from the Insanity series. I woke up with my knee feeling great, so I was ready to test it a little more with some of the high intensity moves.
At the end of the workout, Shaun T (the instructor and creator of Insanity), said that as a fitness professional he sometimes wonders why he does what he does, but then he realizes he does it to look good. This made me think.
Why do I workout most mornings? Why do I do what I do?
I would be lying if I didn’t say a portion of why I work out is so that I am proud of the way I look, but that isn’t the only reason. As an 8th grader (so long ago!) I was in a science group that studied childhood obesity. We focused on the importance of balanced and wholesome nutrition accompanied by fitness and leading an active lifestyle when educating elementary school children about how to be “healthy.” It stuck with me. I know that the working out and healthy diet that I strive for now will pay off years down the road. I do what I do so that I can live a long, healthy life. I want to be exercising when I’m 90!
I also do what I do because it makes me feel good. For me, physical activity is a natural mood lifter. Whenever I am feeling bad about myself, having a sad day, or am just in a funk the second I begin some sort of physical activity I seriously feel infinitely better.
So, my question to you this morning is Why do you workout???
Things to check out today:
Based on this post, here are a few similar ones you should check out.
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