Weekend Scenes 7.28.2014

Good morning!

First things first.  Tessa C. is the winner of the $45 Swanson Health Products giveaway from last week!  Congratulations 🙂

Thank you to all who entered.  I truly appreciate the support!

Also, make sure to pop on over to Sarah’s blog Creating a Better Tomorrow to check out my guest post Easy Weeknight Meals.

This morning started with a delicious acai smoothie bowl (just Sambazon Acai Smoothie Packs, banana, almond milk, and Perfect Fit Protein topped with peanut butter).  Every meal this week will be an attempt to clean out the fridge and freezer because we move on Friday.  Yikes!

smoothie bowl breakfast

Here’s a little peak into our weekend…

Friday night engagement party with the most adorable cookies ever.

candice and eric engagement

Saturday morning Broad Ripple farmer’s market loot.  Indiana Microgreens (adorable and delicious!), tomatoes, sunflowers, collard greens, and kickapoo cheese.

broad ripple farmer's market

Thought I would make hummus from dried chickpeas, but I totally forgot to soak them the night before.


Luckily, I had some canned chickpeas on hand.


Saturday night, Brian and I were supposed to meet our families in Connor Prairie for a Symphony on the Prairie concert, but the weather was pretty rainy and stormy so we all just hung out at Brian’s parent’s house and had an amazing time.

Brian and I cutting the cake…

tara and brian

tara and brian

We were so happy to see our friends Matt and Erin too 🙂

tara, brian, erin, matt

Sunday, our day ended up looking like this:


We are basically living out of suitcases now and the big to-do is to pack up the kitchen…we are so close!

I hope you all have a fabulous week!

Share something fun from your weekend adventures 🙂

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  1. Those cookies are so adorable!! I gasped out loud! So exciting to move, don’t worry about living out of a suitcase, it makes for good dinner stories. 🙂

    Mmmmm this weekend we went to my brothers restaurant for tacos and they were delicious!

  2. Your house looks like ours @ the moment – lots of boxes & living out of suitcase. Isn’t it a blast? Haha!

    Happy to hear you had a nice weekend & still managed to celebrate even w/ poor weather! Cake looks delicious 🙂

  3. Good luck with your move! We just moved this past weekend from Florida to Baltimore and I totally know what you’re going through right now. This week will fly by and before you know it, you’ll be on the way to Denver. Good luck!!