Wedding Season Kickoff

Today is the start of WEDDING SEASON!

Brian and I, along with his Mom, will be heading to our reception venue later this afternoon to check out a wedding set-up for a wedding the size of ours.  I am excited to see it all set-up, it has been about a year since I have been inside of the venue, so it will be good to refresh my memory.

After crashing that wedding, we will all get changed and dressed up and ready to attend Brian’s cousin’s wedding.  The engagement party at their house was fantastic, so I can hardly wait to see what the actual wedding will be like.


Last night, I prepped myself a batch of overnight oats in a jar of nearly empty peanut butter, and I am so glad that I did because nothing hot seemed appetizing to me at all when I woke up this morning.  I tend to get cold very easily, and for me when I am cold I am very uncomfortable.  I would rather be hot than cold any day.  So, when I sleep, I often sleep with sweat pants and a sweat shirt, or multiple layers and then I pile up a ton of blankets on me.  Even though I enjoy being warm, sometimes, I wake up in the morning burning up because of all the thick layers…today was one of those mornings, and I was so thankful to have a cold breakfast waiting for me.

Oats, Plant Fusion protein, vanilla extract, cinnamon, a little bit of peanut butter on the bottom, and some chopped apple…yumm!

Now, it’s time to practice Body Pump before my fourth team teaching session this morning, run 3 miles, and figure out what to wear to this wedding.

Have a great Saturday!

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