Wedding Recap: Our First Look

After spending the morning getting ready for the wedding day, I was filled with excitement as I could not wait to see Brian.

The girls and I loaded up into the elevator to meet up with the boys and so Brian and I could have our “first look.”

weddingEarly on, Brian and I decided to complete our pictures before the ceremony in order to save time after so our guests could head straight to the reception.  This also allowed us to feel a bit more relaxed the rest of the evening, knowing that we already had beautiful moments captured in our wedding day attire.

Once we arrived in the lobby of the Sheraton, we reglossed our lips, made any final adjustments and then we were headed to Monument Circle so I could see the man I was going to marry.

weddingLuckily, the monument is located just outside of the Sheraton so there was not a lot of walking involved.  Me, the bridesmaids, some of Brian’s family (my family watched from the pool deck), and some other spectators followed us to the circle.  I realize now we had quite the audience!

weddingBrian was patiently waiting in a blindfold with his groomsmen standing guard.

weddingweddingAs soon as we arrived, the groomsmen stepped into the background allowing me to come close.  I have to admit, I was very nervous!  I had no idea that I would feel this way, but when I saw Brian as soon as I lifted the blindfold all of the butterflies in my stomach flew away.

weddingweddingweddingweddingweddingweddingweddingAfter we saw each other for the “first time” we were ready to get the rest of our wedding party together for lots of picture taking.  This was when the REAL fun began 🙂

weddingTo be continued…

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    • Thanks Caitlyn!!! 🙂 I would recommend taking the picture before the ceremony to anyone. The first look was still special and it help take some nerves away as I walked down the aisle.