{Video} Q & A: PB2 vs Peanut Butter, Water Intake, Carbs, and Fueling Evening Workouts

Hey friends!

I have a video blog today that is sort of a question and answer going over the following topics:

  • PB2 vs Peanut Butter
  • Water intake
  • My view on carbs
  • Fueling enough (but not too much) for evening workouts

Thanks for asking questions through the blog and on facebook. Β I hope you find this video helpful πŸ™‚ Β As always please give me feedback, ask more questions, and let me know what you think!

Question of the Day:

What are some of your answers to the questions in the video?

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  1. Love the video Tara! It was interesting to hear about your opinions on these things, a lot of them I had wondered myself. You are honest and so sweet, definitely make more πŸ™‚

  2. I love this! And I have the same water bottle. I have been thinking about doing a Q and A video too because I keep getting the sameeee emails over and over so this just may be the kick in the pants that I need πŸ™‚ great video

    • Love that water bottle!!! πŸ™‚ You should totally do the video. Looks like you had a great trip! Travel home safely!