Thanksgiving 2013

I hope all of my American friends had a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving yesterday!

Brian and I had a great first Thanksgiving as a married couple and have plenty more holiday items on our agenda this weekend.

Our holiday really started on Wednesday night.  We stopped over to Brian’s parent’s house for dinner and I made our Thanksgiving pies.

Thanksgiving 19

I am still perfecting my pie making technique, and although they weren’t perfect they still tasted pretty darn good!

Thanksgiving 16

And of course I added some embellishments as decoration 🙂

Thanksgiving 15

Thanksgiving 20

Kate, Brian’s mom had beautiful table decorations all ready to go.  I loved the burlap, gold, and pumpkin theme!

Thanksgiving 8

Thanksgiving 18

Dinner on Wednesday night was absolutely delicious.  Salmon with squash and onion…yum!

Thanksgiving 17 Thanksgiving Day

My Thanksgiving morning started with a delicious Pumpkin Gingerbread Smoothie from Eating Bird Food.  I added a little vanilla protein powder for some thickness and staying power, and the smoothie was extra creamy!


After the smoothie was consumed, it was time to bundle up for the Thanksgiving Day Drumstick Dash.  This was the second year Brian and I ran the 4.6 mile race that benefits the Wheeler Mission of Indianapolis.


The race is always fun and much more relaxed than the other races I run throughout the year.  This is definitely a tradition I hope Brian and I continue 🙂

After the race, showering up, and making ourselves presentable it was time to head to Brian’s parents house for the Thanksgiving festivities.

Thanksgiving 11

We each brought a gift for our fun White Elephant gift exchange and Thanksgiving game.

Thanksgiving 5

And of course, we all got ourselves a little something to drink. 😉

Thanksgiving 14

Brian’s mom even had a childhood friend over to celebrate with us!  Theresa fit right in and was able to keep up with the family’s humor throughout the game and the entire afternoon and evening.

Thanksgiving 12

Adam and Grandma Tuohy, what a cute picture!

Thanksgiving 2

After visiting for a few minutes, getting drinks and snacks, it was game time…

Thanksgiving 3

Thanksgiving 1

The Thanksgiving game has become a tradition that we all look forward to.  It truly makes the holiday!  We laughed, we exchanged our White Elephant gifts and just enjoyed each other’s company.

Thanksgiving 4

After all of our Thanksgiving game fun, it was time for our big dinner!

Thanksgiving 6

Side note:  aren’t these silverware holders adorable?  Brian’s aunt made them out of burlap and stuck a napkin right on the inside, so it would be easy to switch the napkin according to the occasion! She is so crafty.

Thanksgiving 7

Because I don’t eat turkey, Brian’s dad made me some delicious sea bass and a quinoa stuffed acorn squash for my Thanksgiving meal.  This was so tasty, and I felt so special that Greg thought to make me something that I could eat and enjoy 🙂  Thanks for the delicious meal, Greg!

Thanksgiving 9

Of course, I enjoyed one of  my whole wheat rolls and sweet potato casserole.

After we were done eating, it was time for Brian, Grandma Tuohy, and me to go to see the Hunger Games.

hunger games

Grandma had seen the first movie, so was familiar with the story but Brian and I have read all three books so we were extremely anxious and so ready to see this movie.

All I can say is this movie was AMAZING!  We were all so impressed, entertained and Brian and I thought it was the perfect depiction of the book…now I can’t wait for the third movie to come out!!

Tonight:  Circle of Lights

Now that the holiday is over, Ryan and I are preparing for our performance tonight at the annual Circle of Lights show at Monument Circle tonight.

circle of lights callback

We could not be more excited and ready for this evening’s performance.

Brian’s mom even made signs for our friends and family to hold! 🙂

Thanksgiving 13

*If you are not in Indianapolis and are looking for something to do you can click this link at 7pm EST to watch a live feed of the show and lighting event!  If you are on a mobile device, click this link 🙂

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  1. You are aware of therefore considerably regarding the following theme, produced me in my opinion trust it via numerous a variety of aspects. The similar to women and men aren’t intrigued unless of course it is actually think about employ Girl coo! Your very own items superb. Everyday deal with up!

  2. What a fabulous Thanksgiving recap. Your pies turned out great. I love your added decoration on top. You really are becoming quite the baker & cook 🙂

    I’m very impressed by Greg’s skills in the kitchen. Stuffed acorn squash? What a guy! Ha Ha

    Can’t wait to hear how you & ryan’s performance went!

    • Ha!! Thanks, Jessie! I try!! Greg really is the star in the kitchen 🙂 I have a recap of Ryan and my performance coming later this week…it was so fun!