Just a quick note: If you used to subscribe to my blog through e-mail you will need to resubscribe. When the Blog Genie did her magic, I switched e-mail subscription plug-ins. No biggie though, just re-enter your e-mail to the right!
Because yesterday was a “holiday” and Brian and I were so tired from the New Year’s, we took it as a much needed rest day from the gym. The mid week break gave me extra motivation today and we made sure to head to the gym this morning to get our sweat on.
Our workout looked like this:
After working out in the weight room, we finished up with 30 minutes of steady state cardio. Starting the day at the gym always sets the tone for a productive and positive day in my book! 😉
Healthy Living Blogs
Exciting news for Treble in the Kitchen…I am a member of Healthy Living Blogs!
Healthy Living Blogs is a blogging community full of blogs about any kind of health. According to Healthy Living Blogs “HLB is open for everyone, bloggers and readers alike, who care about health.” I am excited to learn and grow from the experienced bloggers in this community, and I can’t wait to see where this new year will take this little blog.
Tell Me What You Want!
Please tell me!
In 2013, I would like to continue the improvements on this blog. While I have plenty of my own ideas, you are the ones reading. I want to make sure to listen to what you want to read and learn from your suggestions.
I would love to hear what you want to see on the blog in the future, or even hear about the things you like that I am currently doing.
Please comment away and let me know what ideas you have and what you want me to keep on doing. I will be sure to listen to your suggestions to make sure my blog is super cool and just what YOU want to read 😉
I am still gathering workout motivation mantras. My goal is to round up 100 mantras and create a giant list of motivation for the new year to share with you. Comment below with some of your favorites!
Based on this post, here are a few similar ones you should check out.
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I think your blog is perfect the way it is. You share recipes, workouts, and your everyday life with us. I don’t think you can do much better =)
Thanks, Jessie! 🙂