Scenes from the Weekend | Brian’s Birthday and Mother’s Day!

Hello and happy Monday!

How was your Mother’s Day weekend?!  Ours was jam-packed with fun because we had visitors in town.  Brian’s mom and our friend, Maureen, came to stay with us from Thursday night through Sunday.  We tried to cram as many fun things into the weekend as possible to celebrate Brian’s birthday on Saturday then Mother’s Day on Sunday.  I think it’s safe for me to say we had a wonderfully fun and busy weekend 🙂

The fun started on Thursday morning with a puppy playdate.  Bernie and I met up with his littermate/brother Astro for a jog and some fun at Chatfied Dog Park.

Bernie and Astro Chatfield Dog Park

There were tons of other dogs, a nice walking trail, and bodies of water perfect for water loving dogs to swim in.  The boys had a blast, and so did we!

Maureen and Brians’ mom arrived on Thursday night, so Friday morning we headed to Boulder for some hiking, brunching, and shopping.

Tara and Brian Flatirons Hike

I feel like we always take people to hike the Flatirons, but I seriously LOVE that hike so much!! It’s relatively short (only takes a couple of hours), has a large elevation increase, and has beautiful scenery.  What more is there?

Maureen and Brian Flatirons Hike

Tara and Brian Flatirons Hike

After the hike, we had the obligatory brunch at Snooze.  It did not disappoint.

Brunch at Snooze

We then walked around the shops and enjoyed the AMAZING weather.


When we were done with Boulder, we headed back to Denver to relax for a bit.  Then, we headed out to the Infinite Monkey Theorem Urban Winery.  It was my first time visiting the winery and I absolutely loved it!

Infinite Monkey Theorem

We sipped on wine (I enjoyed the rose…so good!) and enjoyed each other’s company.  It was perfect!

Infinite Monkey Theorem

Then we came home, I made dinner and we headed out to the Santa Fe art district for First Friday to check out all of the art exhibits.

Saturday, we spent a good portion of the day at the Washington Park Home Tour.  It was a rainy day, and no photos were allowed inside the homes so I don’t have any photos for that event.  Even though I don’t have photos, it was an amazing tour and we all enjoyed ourselves!  I recommend that anyone interested in learning a bit more about the history of certain neighborhoods in Denver, or who just enjoys looking at homes should go to one of these home tours.

We then came home, prepared the house for guests to celebrate Brian’s birthday and then headed to Avanti for dinner.


We have eaten at Avanti so many times, but it’s such a unique dining concept that we wanted to show Kate and Maureen what it was all about.   I enjoyed the curry, Brian and Maureen tried the Shwarma, and Kate got a Torta.  We all devoured our meals.


We then came home to celebrate Brian’s birthday with friends, mojitos, and sweet treats.

Brian's birthday cake

Brian's Birthday

Sunday, we enjoyed brunch at home and did a bit of shopping around Denver.

Such a fun weekend!  Now, I’m working to get organized for the week so I can be productive and enjoy a bit of relaxation.  This Sunday is my half marathon (more on that later!), so I’ve got to get in all the stretching and rest in that I can before the big day!

Your turn!

  • Share something with me about your weekend!

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  1. Wow, what an awesome weekend you had! Happy belated birthday to Brian. This weekend, I spent the majority of my time studying for my microbio final. A dinner out was thrown in there too, which was good!

  2. So many good things in this post! I admit to being a repeat offender with hiking at Chautauqua too. It’s just too beautiful and never gets old. And seeing the tulips in bloom on Pearl is the best! We eat at Avanti all the time too and were actually there on Saturday!! We were there around 8 and it was PACKED. Hope you got there before the crowds 🙂