Today was an amazing and slightly busy day full of driving from one puppy house to the next, meeting with the Registered Dietician, making dinner for Brian, and heading to a workout class.
When I got to the second puppies house that I am dog-sitting at I made myself a quick little lunch of fresh green beans, tomato, cucumbers, celery, hummus, and cheese.
I then met with a Registered Dietician at Hubbard and Cravens. I didn’t even know that we had one in town, and for some reason I thought that it was a Canadian thing. The atmosphere was relaxed, cool, and the coffee was tasty 🙂
The meeting was really great and lasted about 2 hours! I had lots of questions and she had lots of answers. It is always great to talk with someone who “gets” nutrition and exercise. While my family and Brian are a great support system, sometimes I just need to talk with someone who is as passionate about health and nutrition as I am.
I then rushed to the apartment to make dinner for Brian before he headed out for a meeting. I literally whipped this together in probably 15 minutes, so I don’t really have a recipe!
Dinner was:
The meal was simple, quick, nutritious, and delicious…all great things in my book!
I then checked the mail on the way out of the apartment and Brian and I received a wedding invitation! First of the season I might add. Several of our friends are getting married this summer, and I can’t wait for the fun to begin, then next summer it is Brian and my turn!
Now, I am looking after the pups, creating a workout for tomorrow, and listening to the Wicked station on pandora.
Have a great evening!
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