Running Around Town


Today was an amazing and slightly busy day full of driving from one puppy house to the next, meeting with the Registered Dietician, making dinner for Brian, and heading to a workout class.

When I got to the second puppies house that I am dog-sitting at I made myself a quick little lunch of fresh green beans, tomato, cucumbers, celery, hummus, and cheese.

I then met with a Registered Dietician at Hubbard and Cravens.  I didn’t even know that we had one in town, and for some reason I thought that it was a Canadian thing.  The atmosphere was relaxed, cool, and the coffee was tasty 🙂

The meeting was really great and lasted about 2 hours!  I had lots of questions and she had lots of answers.  It is always great to talk with someone who “gets” nutrition and exercise.  While my family and Brian are a great support system, sometimes I just need to talk with someone who is as passionate about health and nutrition as I am.

I then rushed to the apartment to make dinner for Brian before he headed out for a meeting.  I literally whipped this together in probably 15 minutes, so I don’t really have a recipe!

Dinner was:

  • Baked cod
  • Water sauteed spinach, white beans, and tomato
  • Sriracha (for some spice!)

The meal was simple, quick, nutritious, and delicious…all great things in my book!

I then checked the mail on the way out of the apartment and Brian and I received a wedding invitation!  First of the season I might add.  Several of our friends are getting married this summer, and I can’t wait for the fun to begin, then next summer it is Brian and my turn!


Now, I am looking after the pups, creating a workout for tomorrow, and listening to the Wicked station on pandora.

Have a great evening!

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