I didn’t feel comfortable posting about much yesterday, so I didn’t get a chance to fill you in on Monday night’s Les Mills Launch event at NIFS (my new place of work!)
Every quarter, Les Mills releases new workouts and music for each of the class formats that they offer. Currently, NIFS offers Bodypump, Bodycombat, RPM, and CXWORX.
When my gym launches, we put all of the classes in 30 minute time-slots back to back so that participants can get a taste of all of the new classes in one night! For each launch, our gym comes up with a theme. This time it was Retro Rewind themed and during the last launch was super hero themed.
The Bodycombaters wore their tie dye outfits loud and proud!
Bodypumpers were bright in our neon gear.
The launch had great turnout and was a lot of fun, as usual 🙂
Unfortunately, I did not get any pictures of RPM or CXWORX but their classes and outfits were amazing as well!
Based on this post, here are a few similar ones you should check out.
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I haven’t been to a launch but have BeachBody’s Les Mills Pump and Combat at home 🙂
Sarah, you have to come to our next launch! We have them each quarter, so it will most likely be in July. They are always so much fun! Let me know if you want to come try a class out, even if it’s not on a launch day!
I’ve never been, but it looks awesome! Have a wonderful rest of the day hunnie xox