Puppy Pic Overload + Meals for the Week

Happy Monday!

I hope your weekend was absolutely amazing. Β I’m still on a high of puppy fever, so I’m going to share pics from the weekend but I’m warning you right now…beware of puppy picture overload πŸ™‚

Friday night movie night with Brian and my little Bernie. Β Yep, he let’s me hold him like a little baby. Β I know, it’s a little ridiculous but I’m ok with that πŸ™‚

Tara and Bernie

Saturday morning egg white banana oats with Love Grown Super Oats and Wild Friends Maple Sunflower Butter. Β Such a yummy combo!

oatmeal breakfast

Puppy school with the Bernster (he did so great!).

puppy school with Bernie

Studying at Roostercat…love the coconut milk latte.

studying at Rooster Cat

Family time in Cheeseman Park enjoying the 70 degree weather…I can’t believe it’s February!

Family in Cheeseman

Yes…shorts in February. Β This is definitely a first for me.

shorts in February

Hanging out at Liz and Aidan’s for a little winter time grill out because it felt so summery πŸ™‚

Tara, Liz and Bernie

Bernie was such a little snoozer!

Tara and Bernrie


Sunday morning I put my Super Oats with egg whites, banana and strawberries in a mostly empty PB jar. Β Yum!

oats in a jar

Bernie kept me company while getting more school work done on Sunday.

Studying with Bernie

And the winner of the Love Grown Giveaway has been announced and I e-mailed them this morning πŸ™‚

Love Grown Tara

Here is what we have planned for meals for the week:



  • Veggie quinoa chicken salad for B
  • Salad, hard boiled eggs, chicken, lots of veggies for me (the usual…)


That’s all I have for now, friends! Β Have a wonderful start to the week!

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    • Thanks, Mattie!! πŸ™‚ I feel pretty darn lucky to be wearing shorts, but I think it’s going to snow tomorrow :/

  1. Tara, I’m jealous of you! Send some warm weather here! πŸ˜‰ Here is cold again after the nice weekend! πŸ˜‰
    Your puppy is so CUTE! <3