Happy Monday morning!
After a restless night’s sleep, I started off the morning with a bowl of overnight oats.
I topped the oats with 1/3 of a frozen banana and a teaspoon of peanut butter. I love overnight oats because they have serious staying power, and I know they will hold me over for a while and give me lots of energy when doing my own workouts and teaching classes.
Solar Eclipse
There was a solar eclipse yesterday! Did anyone see it? Unfortunately, the news informed me that the eclipse was not visible in Indianapolis. The hot spots were from Texas to California and in Southeast Asia.
This eclipse happened during the day when the moon passed in front of the sun creating a “ring of fire” effect. There are lunar eclipses, which happen at night, and solar eclipses, which happen during the day. Other than that, I didn’t quite know what the difference was between the two, so I did a little research.
Apparently, lunar eclipses are much more common than solar eclipses because the moon is so much closer to the sun. Also, when a lunar eclipse occurs it can be seen in most places throughout the world, but when a solar eclipse occurs there is very limited viewing. When viewing a lunar eclipse, one can look directly at the moon, but when viewing a solar eclipse one’s eyesight can seriously be damaged when looking directly at the sun, and special eye protection must be worn.
The news stated that the last solar eclipse occurred in the United States in 1994, and I remember seeing it! At the time, I was in kindergarten and stayed home from school because I was sick. I remember my mom rushing to get me outside to see the spectacular once-in-a-lifetime view. I did not have special glasses, but there was a woman there who had a mirror for safe viewing.
It is a pretty special experience to have seen such a wonder of the world.
Today, I am subbing a spinning class at 8:30 this morning, then I plan on doing some upper body strength work. I am also team teaching Body Pump tonight and making a test video to make sure that everything will go flawlessly when I do the entire release.
Question of the Morning:
Based on this post, here are a few similar ones you should check out.
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