Officially a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist + Local Cooking Class

Grilling with Herbs Cooking Class

Hello, I’m back!

After a hiatus from the blogging world, I am back with BIG news…

I have completed my program and passed my exam which means I am officially a REGISTERED DIETITIAN NUTRITIONIST!

A Goal 5 Years in the Making

I officially started going back to school full time to pursue my dream of becoming an RDN the summer/fall of 2014 when Brian and I moved to Colorado. Prior to that I was working full-time, teaching group fitness, writing this blog, and attempting to take classes at the same time.Β  I am so thankful I had the opportunity to go back to school and I seriously cannot believe I’m done πŸ™‚

HereΒ are a few posts outlining my schooling and internship:

What’s Next?

This fall, I will be working at Butler University as their Dietitian on campus as well as working with other local organizations to host cooking classes, nutrition education sessions, and anything else I can think of!Β  I am currently working on a way to see clients virtually – so stay tuned!Β Treble in the Kitchen will also stay alive as a space for me to share recipes and updates about what is going on in my world and where I hope I can learn more about what is going on in your world! πŸ™‚

Indianapolis Cooking Class

The first cooking class I will be hosting is at Dammann’s Garden Company – I’ll be teaching all about HERBS ON THE GRILL.

If you are local, I would LOVE to see you there!Β  The class is Saturday, August 25 from 12pm-2pm EST.Β Β Details on the event page.Β  If you aren’t local, don’t worry! I’ll make sure to share recipes and tips in this space and on Instagram (@trebleinthekchn)Β and Facebook.

Finally, I want to wish you all a HUGE thank you!! Thanks for following along on my journey and for the amazing support πŸ™‚ You guys are seriously awesome!

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  1. Congratulations! What an accomplishment. And, I can’t wait to hear more (if you can share) about your role at Butler. Will you be working with students who have special dietary needs? Focusing on the food as a whole? Everything?

    • Hi Anne! Thanks for the comment πŸ™‚ I will be working with students, faculty and staff and kind of doing whatever they need me to on an individual and presentation/group basis πŸ™‚ I’ll make sure to share more details!

  2. Congratulations Tara! It feels like yesterday that you were announcing that you were starting your new adventure. So happy for you and even more happy that you are back! 😊