Recently, I’ve been daydreaming about my DREAM workspace. Since I go to school from home for my Distance Dietetics Program, I’m at home all the time…but I’m also constantly working. Whether it’s for the blog, my dietetics program, or one of the other jobs I have on the side, I am in my home work space a LOT.
Last year, I detailed how I created a healthy work space at home, because although I have been DREAMING of making changes I understand that Brian and I living in an apartment is temporary and I’ve made the space work for me right now. That being said, I know that some day I will have a larger kitchen (my kitchen is SO small!) and a standing desk (hey a girl can dream!).
Here are just a few of the aspects of my office I have been dreaming of 🙂
I honestly feel like I could stand all day sometimes, but instead, I have to sit at my desk to get my work done. The thought of a standing or a treadmill desk is honestly a frequent topic of conversation among Brian and I, and one day I came home to this…
While the thought was very sweet, that is just not what I had in mind for a standing desk. In my mind, the table portion of the desk large enough for me to set my books, notebooks, and/or planner on while I type away on the computer.
Here are some great standing/treadmill desks:
The Treadmill Desk: This standing desk has a tutorial for how to build your own
Brittany from Eating Bird Food has a standing desk that goes up and down, so you can sit if you want!
I drink SO much water and love when it is cold. My in-laws have a water cooler in their kitchen and I am seriously obsessed with it. I know I would use it all the time, and can’t wait for the day when I can have one in my home office
Julie from Peanut Butter Fingers posted about her home office last year and I have been in love with it since the moment I laid eyes on it! I love that the colors are bright, but not distracting. The sense of openness and organization really lends the space to appear relaxing and inspiring. I love it!
Yep! I have one in my home office now, and I really LOVE it. I love that I can update it all the time and it’s really easy to wipe clean.
I really love clean and tidy spaces and I love when everyTHING has a home. Even though I get my books and study supplies out each day, everything has a place and I make sure to put it all away so that my office space is inviting when I come in. If there are a lot of things laying out and about, it honestly causes me stress (crazy, I know!) so having lots of storage that keeps things hidden is a NEED in my dream workspace.
While my laptop works great, a desktop computer would allow me to set my office to be more ergonomically friendly and desktop computers can have a lot more storage. This is definitely a dream that won’t come true for a while 😉
HA! Kind of a goofy last item on my “wish list” but, as I mentioned this is my DREAM workspace so I’m including it all 🙂
Here are some resources for really pretty office essentials:
Something that I just recently learned about that really sparked my interest are Coworking Office Spaces. Have you guys heard of these types of office spaces?
Nicole at Pumps and Iron did a great review on Breather a while back, and that was where I was first introduced to the idea of renting a cozy office/room based on the hour. Honestly, I love the idea and I would take advantage of that for a little work/study time out of the house, but I don’t think we have any options available in Denver quite yet. I JUST heard that Wework will be opening up a coworking office space in Denver soon, but I’m not sure when.
Until then, I’ll continue to daydream about my dream workspace 🙂
Based on this post, here are a few similar ones you should check out.
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Great post! I’m probably double your age and still not close to a dream workspace at home (ha!) but I did get a standing desk frame recently that has been super helpful. I’d love to have my own room as an office (right now it’s part of our guest room) and someone to come in an organize my files, too. I’m loving that photo of the chest that’s actually for file folders- brilliant!
Thanks, Deanna!! 🙂 Yay for a standing desk! Wouldn’t it be great to have someone do all the organizing!? I thought the chest with files was brilliant too!! I love “hiding” things 🙂
I just started working from home full time so i’m all about figuring out how to make my work space more efficient! Love the idea of a standing desk. For me, a large calendar and storage space is key!
YES! Sounds like we are on the same page for many office design ideas 🙂
What a fun post idea! I love seeing what your dream office would look like. Dan recently got a standing desk at work, and he has been loving it. You should definitely get one! I have a friend who works in a coworking place and she loves it and would recommend it! Definitely work a look 🙂
Thanks, Gretchen! 🙂 A standing desk would be amazing!! 🙂
I could not live without the different “standing stations” i’ve implemented!! I stand all day until dinner, and then any computer/work after that is sitting 😛
Love that you’ve created your own standing stations 🙂
Not sure what your situation is, but moving to the suburbs can buy you a bigger home. That’s what I did, and I don’t think I could ever go back to living in an apartment again.
You are so right, Jenny! We love living downtown, and we plan on moving to a home someday…just not yet!
I have a standing desk at work and I love love love it! It makes the day go by faster, my hips and legs feel less fatigued, and I swear I’m more productive! I would like a treadmill desk, but I also think I’d get distracted and trip and fall off haha.
That’s amazing, Jamie! 🙂 I bet you feel soo good at the end of the day after standing.
I love this! I too work a majority from home and I keep trying to jazz up my workspace to make it more fitness friendly! I love that walking desk, very clever. You just gave me a new idea to add to my husbands DIY pinterest board, thanks!
YES! Good luck getting your hubby to create the walking desk 🙂
I am all for dry erase stuff, and I really want a standing desk too! :] I haven’t had a desktop computer in many many years, but hopefully…someday! <3
Aren’t dry erase boards the best?