Maintain Not Gain

Make sure to head enter the giveaway for Tuttorosso Tomatoes!  The winner will be announced on Thursday, November 15 so make sure to enter now!!


Recently, I have been really feeling the holiday season.  This past weekend, I experimented with some holiday baking, spent some time at the mall and admired the holiday decor, and I listened to one (just one!) Christmas song.

This is truly the time of year when I let a little more sugar into my diet than usual and allow more than a few little “indulgences” here and there.

Now, I am ok with my indulgences, but it got me thinking about this time of year.  This is the time of year when we all tend to get a bit more relaxed about letting the extra cookie slide and saying no to extra time in the gym.  We then find ourselves in the same position as the year before, starting the new year vowing to hit the gym to lose the 5-10 holiday pounds that we packed on.

Does this sound like a familiar scenario to anyone?

I think that should all stop HERE.  Right now, before we all get in over our heads and find ourselves knee deep in pumpkin pie and Christmas cookies.


Simply planning ahead and being prepared for this holiday season will truly help to keep things on track.  Here are some helpful hints to avoid “gaining” the holiday weight and focus on “maintaining” the weight we are currently at.  Don’t worry, holiday treats are still allowed 😉


  1. Browse the menu/take a peek at the selection.
Whenever attending a brunch, buffet, holiday meal, or any situation that involves an overwhelming amount of food, I make sure to take a peek at everything there is to offer before deciding on what I would like to eat.  Deciding what I want to eat allows me to limit what I put on my plate, and it allows me to make sure that I am making the special meal “worth it” and I am not missing out on something that I would truly enjoy because I just didn’t see that it was an option.
       2.  Do not deprive yourself and save up so that you can make up for lost time on the big day.
Depriving your body of food will only lead to more cravings and potentially overeating when you do get to the big meal that you have been saving up for.  It is best to eat healthy, balanced meals focusing on fresh produce and lean protein as you normally would leading up to the big day.
       3.  Drink water.
Often times, we mistake thirst for hunger.  Before going up for a second plate of food or reaching for another snack, drink a big glass of water.  This will allow you to truly determine if you are hungry or not.  Water often gives us a full sensation, and can leave us satisfied if that is what our body was truly craving.
       4.  Dress to impress.
When we wear nice clothing, we look better and feel better.  Nice clothes are often more fitted than lounge wear, and when we are wearing clothes that are tight to the body it is less tempting to eat to the point of feeling stuffed 😉
Brian and I made sure to “dress to impress” for our engagement photos!
       5.  Stay active.
There are so many ways to stay active, even when the weather starts to cool down.  A fun tradition that I enjoy is completing a Thanksgiving day race.  Two years ago, I ran the Galloping Gobbler race in Fort Wayne, and this year Brian and I will be running the Drumstick Dash in Indianapolis.  These races are fun, family friendly, and a lot of people wear Thanksgiving themed outfits!
Joining an online group or program such as Tina Reale’s Best Body Boot Camp or Amanda’s Holiday Booty Buster Challenge are a great way to be apart of a community, wonderful way to find motivation, good way to have workouts laid out for you so that you do not have to wonder what to do at the gym, a fun and unique way to physically challenge yourself, and there are prizes involved! I have been participating in Tina’s Best Body Boot Camp the past three weeks, and I am loving the community, the workouts, the feedback from Tina, and basically everything about it.
Look for opportunities and programs at your local gym that promote maintaining your current weight throughout the holiday season.  NIFS Indianapolis hosts a program called Maintain Not Gain.  This program begins on November 12 and continues for eight weeks throughout the entire holiday season.  At the beginning of the program, participants weigh in.  Throughout the program participants are motivated to stay active with various exercise programs and classes so that weight is maintained throughout the holidays and the New Year begins with participants looking their best!  At the end of the eight weeks, participants are weighed out to measure the maintenance of weight.  Not only is this program a great way to find motivation through the holidays, but it is a great way to meet new people, and the first 200 participants receive a swag bag from Seasons 52.
When it comes to the holidays, treats are allowed sometimes.  It is simply important to remember that sometimes is a special treat, and not each meal every single day.
What are some of your tips for staying on track during the holidays?

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  1. Such great tips girl. These are going to be so useful for not only myself, but for others.

    Love the picture of you & Brian. You two look beautiful <3