Love Your Body Challenge 2015

Hi again!

Just popping in to share a fun little accountability challenge that I am hosting with a fellow blogger, fitness fan, healthy eater, and fitfluential ambassador Maria!


Love Your Body Challenge 2015


This month, we thought we would jump on the “love” train by encouraging each other and you guys to “love your body.”  To do this, we came up with a goal for each week of the month.  We will post any time we accomplish the goal on instagram and use the hashtag #loveyourbody2015 and we would LOVE for you guys to join us 🙂

Here are the goals for our February Love Your Body Challenge:

  • Week 1:  Eat veggies with breakfast
  • Week 2:  Write something positive about yourself on a post-it and stick it somewhere visible to you for the duration of the week.
  • Week 3:  Drink a green smoothie
  • Week 4:  Try a new-to-you workout

Love Your Body Challenge 2015

Honestly, it’s a pretty simple and fun way for us to help each other out while staying active and eating well, honor our bodies, and maybe make some new friends along the way!

If you feel like joining in on the fun you can follow Maria on Instagram here (@bodybynutrition) and you can follow me here (@trebleinthekchn).

Hope you guys have a great rest of your Monday!!

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