Kangoo Whats??!

Tonight, I went to an amazing spinning class!  Although I love teaching group fitness, I also love attending classes because I am always getting new ideas.


This class was basketball themed because it is March Madness, and Indiana (especially Butler) is very into college basketball.  Because it was basketball themed, the instructor divided the class into two teams.  The team with the most miles logged in their “trip” counter on the dial of their spin bike was the winner…and my team won!  We had over 82 miles logged!  Because we won, our instructor gave us each a workout towel (we even got to choose the color!) with a little #1 winner trophy stapled to the tag.  Now, if that is not an incentive to get your butt to the gym and exercise, then I don’t know what is 😉


I thought it was a great class and a great idea to keep the class engaged and feeling special.

Me and my award

I then came home and made a quick and tasty dinner for Brian and I.  I made myself a salad of spinach, romaine, orange tomato, broccoli, cauliflower, and tofu.  I topped it with white wine vinegar, Italian seasoning, garlic salt, and pepper.  Simple, nutritious, and delicious!


Whenever I give Brian the same portion size as me, or the same exact meal as me he is usually still hungry, so I amped up his meal by putting the tofu in an oat flour pita with pepper jack cheese, lettuce and tomato with a little spinach side salad, and some cucumbers with hummus.  Both meals were satisfying and tasty.


Because the weather is so nice, we ate outside on our balcony and had quite the view for our dinner entertainment.  First, we saw a Great Blue Heron (<—I never would have guessed that is how you spell that word!).

The Heron mid flight
The Heron just walking along the water


We then saw a man running in a pair of these:

Because these are not something you see everyday, I HAD to look them up to see what they were!  They are called Kangoo Jacks, and are apparently very good for protecting your joints.  Here are 33 Benefits to wearing these goofy looking contraptions 😉  I do a lot of goofy things because they are good for my body, but I don’t think I could take myself seriously if I wore a pair of those on my jog everyday!


And now, time for my nightly reading of the Hunger Games!

source:  The Embarrassing Side Effects of Having Recently Read the Hunger Games


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