Just Popping In!

Hi friends!

For those of you that celebrate Christmas, can you believe that it is next week?  Ah! I am so excited.  I have one more final this week, so I really just wanted to pop in today to say HI and share a few pics from last week 🙂

The first thing I wanted to share is the Clever Girls Collective #secretclever holiday gift exchange.

I received my gift from Oak & Oats and I absolutely LOVE it! Thank you 🙂

This juicing book looks amazing!


I am in love with this vintage kitchen timer.


Such an adorable coffee mug.


Fun holiday workout socks!


Green juice mix.


Thanks Elizabeth for all the wonderful gifts!!!

The wonderful team over at Vega also sent me a delicious chocolate bar and card with a recipe for “Veg Nog.”  I already whipped up a batch of the Veg Nog and it tastes fantastic!

holiday gift

This weekend I did LOTS of singing with the Company B Gals and loved every second of it!

company b gals - holiday party singers

company b gals - holiday party singers

company b gals - holiday party singers

company b gals - holiday party singers

Despite all the fun singing and holiday packages the highlight of the weekend was having my sister and her boyfriend visit.

brenna and david

Coffee at Pablo’s before brunch at Jelly.  So good!

brenna and tara

Shopping at the Denver Haho (handmade homemade) Market.

Denver haho market

Brenna and David at the Denver Christkindl Market.

brenna and david

The amazing Denver Zoo Lights.

denver zoo lights

denver zoo lights

denver zoo lights

It was such a fun weekend!  Now, onto study for finals…hope you all have a great week and I will see ya Friday when my finals are done!

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  1. I still can’t believe Christmas is in just 10 days. I mean goodness gracious, where has december gone? Didn’t we just finish up Thanksgiving like a day ago? Or so feels!

    So lovely that you were able to have your sister & her boyfriend in this weekend. Looks like y’all have had a great deal of guests these past few weeks! I love your sisters hair. She’s a hairdresser right?

    • Thanks Jessie!!! It really does feel like we JUST got done with Thanksgiving!!! Yes! Brenna is a hair dresser. I’ll let ya know you like her hair!