June Date Night

I was running low on almond butter in the jar of my new favorite kind of almond butter, which only meant it was time for one thing.

overnight oats

Overnight oats in an almond butter jar!

overnight oats

It’s not pretty, but no one ever said that good food HAD to be pretty.  Seriously, this breakfast was fantastic and I gobbled it up in about 2 seconds flat.

Here is what was in the mixture:

  • the bottom remnants of an almond butter jar
  • 1/2 cup oats
  • 1 packet stevia
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/2 cup plain, nonfat Greek yogurt
  • 1/2 Tbsp chia seed
  • 1/2 cup frozen cherries
  • 1/3 frozen banana

I simply combined the oats, stevia, water, yogurt, and chia in the almond butter jar.  Then, I topped the mixture with the cherries and bananas and let the dish sit in the fridge overnight.  That’s it!!

The tart flavor of the cherries melded perfectly with the sweet banana and the nutty almond.  I can’t wait to make this again 🙂

June Date Night

Brian and I were actually able to go on our scheduled date this month!

june date night

For Christmas I preplanned and prepaid for a year’s worth of dates for Brian and I to go on together.  You can read more about the details in the following posts:

June’s date was a movie theater date!  I absolutely LOVE the movies, and Brian and I had not been in a while.  We were able to walk to the theater from our apartment, which gave us the chance to spend some time outside and just talk to each other without computers, phones, or wedding plans in our face.  It was much needed!!

Once we arrived to the theater, we picked up some treats to enjoy during the movie “Now You See Me.”

Our treats were delicious movie theater popcorn:

june date night 1

And a soft drink to share:

june date 2

I know movie theater popcorn is not the healthiest option by FAR, but I love absolutely love it and don’t mind splurging every once in a while!

Overall, the movie was great!  We each had no idea how the show would end and it held our interest throughout the entire movie.

Question of the Morning:

  • When you go to the movie theater, what is your “treat” of choice??
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