I Hate to Admit it, I Have a Bad Habit

Lunch today looked something like this:

A bed of romaine topped with tofu, red onion, cucumber, hummus, bell pepper, and balsamic vinegar.  It was very delicious and absolutely hit the spot!

Dog Days

I spent the day surfing the net and applying for jobs.  I took my first break at about 10am to go for a walk with Gucci, the dog Brian and I are taking care of.  We went for a 20 minute walk, and I got a little bit lost around the neighborhood, but we eventually found our way back home.

I then went on a 30 minute jog around the neighborhood to get my heart rate up and my legs moving because it is hard for me to sit still all day with no activity, but once I get in the zone and start working on my thing I rarely want to get up!  What a dilemma.

After spending several more hours at the computer, I took Gucci on a 15 minute run.  I can tell this really tired her out because as soon as we got back inside this is what happened:

She just plopped right on the ground, and now she is sleeping on the couch…how cute!

Brian texted me that he wasn’t feeling too great today, so while I was giving myself another little break from the computer screen, I whipped him up a little something special.  Peanut butter cookies the shape of I <3 U…that will make anyone feel better, right?!

I ate a bit of the dough, and although it tasted good…my tummy is regretting it 🙁  I hope I didn’t spoil dinner.

Breaking a Bad Habit:  Snacking While Cooking

Snacking while cooking.  I have to admit that I am a culprit of that, especially after not being in the cooking scene for 5 months!  Maybe it is just because I have taken such a long hiatus from the kitchen and everything seems yummy, but I feel that I am snacking in the kitchen more than ever.  I consider myself, for the most part, somewhat of a healthy (and increasingly clean) eater, yet when it comes to baking treats for someone special or even making a meal, I often snack my way through the process and find myself with a tummy ache and/or no appetite afterward.   I understand that a taste or two is often necessary, but when I end up taking more than just a “taste” that is where the problem occurs.  I end up feeling too full and too guilty.

Well, the first step when it comes to overcoming anything is to admit that you have a problem.  First step…completed.  Now I need to find a solution.  Here are some ideas that I am going to try in order to stop unnecessary snacking while cooking so that I can actually enjoy the meals I am preparing and remove some of the guilt.

  1. Drink a large glass of water while cooking.  I always have a large bottle or cup of water with me, but don’t drink it very often while I am cooking…I can definitely change this habit!
  2. Chew a piece of gum while cooking.  I heard this tip several years ago on an interview with Pamela Anderson about how she maintains her figure…I have a very strange memory to remember that tip so specifically. If my mouth is already preoccupied with a piece of gum, I won’t want to try so many bites of food!
  3. Brush my teeth right before cooking.  The minty taste will hopefully deter me away from wanting to nibble while I cook.
  4. Write down the food I eat in a food journal.  I have tried this tip once before and found it highly effective for me.  I am very methodical and very much a “rule-follower” so once I commit to writing everything down, if I don’t write it down I feel really guilty!  This will work for limiting what eat while cooking because I won’t want to waste my time calculating or writing down, “a bite of this, a bite of that…”
I will try each of these tips for a week and then let you know how well each of them works for me!

Do you ever eat the dough?  What are your tricks to avoid snacking while eating? I would love if you left some advice in the comments section!

Also, Brian and I finished the Hunger Games last night and are hopefully starting Catching Fire tonight!!

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