How I Stay FIT During the Holidays

It’s that time of year again….HOLIDAY time!

How I Stay Fit During the Holidays via Treble in the Kitchen

This is my absolute FAVORITE time of year.  I love the music, the lights, the snow, the traditions, seeing family, the treats.  I just love it all!

While this time of year, is supposed to be FUN and HAPPY I know that a lot of the time it can get to be a bit STRESSFUL because we are constantly worried about staying healthy, making the best decisions when it comes to fitness and food, and we lose the enjoyment of the season because of that.

Luckily, I’ve teamed up with Fitbit to show you that the holidays don’t have to be stressful and you CAN be healthy (while enjoying sugar cookies and peppermint mochas 😉 ).  Honestly, even I struggle in this department a little bit and can find myself stressing about making healthy holiday choices, but I’m going to share 4 things that I do every year to stay healthy, happy, and fit during the holidays in hopes to help all of you #findyourfit.


***Also, let me make a note that I really don’t think the holidays are a great time to make any huge changes when it comes to your nutrition and fitness.  This is a time to really focus on maintenance and consistency rather than starting something new.***

  • I rely on quick bodyweight workouts that I can do while traveling or at home first thing in the morning! (Even when I am hosting company!)

at home workout

For me, working out in the morning is kind of like having my morning cup of coffee.  All is right in the world and I just FEEL better when I do it, even if it is a quicky 20 minute workout.  AND the easier it is to make the workout happen, the more likely it is actually going to happen….am I right?  No one wants to miss out on family fun, games, treats, and memories so they can go hit up the local gym.  So, just make it happen first thing in the morning and then you get to forget about it the rest of the day! 🙂

Here are some of my go-to bodyweight workouts:

Bodyweight Workouts:

Some of these, you probably can do without shoes… (Bonus!)

  • I incorporate more yoga and walking into my workout/movement routine.

corepower yoga

It’s important to remember that ANY movement is good movement right?  And while the holidays can be a bit taxing on the body due to late night parties, indulgent foods, and crazy schedules getting some restorative movement (like yoga and walking) into your can be a great way to move!


The Fitbit is GREAT for this because it tracks how many steps you take per day in addition to how many “very active minutes” you have each day.  I’m going to be completely honest when I say it is HARD to get the recommended 10,000 steps per day.  I get it!!  But that doesn’t mean you can’t try.

Schedule after dinner walks, bundle up and take a walking tour of holiday lights, go shopping (or window shopping) and walk around the mall, take a yoga class at a yoga studio…just get the body moving.  Honestly, I get MORE steps on days when I don’t schedule a “workout” and just MOVE by walking, doing, seeing, and having fun.  Crazy, but true.

  • Try to stay consistent, maintain routine, and schedule things ahead of time.

TrebleInTheKitchen-10 Resized

OK, now I know you are thinking “schedule?  stick to a routine? stay consistent?” but YES I am.  As much as our “normal” routines and schedules get thrown upside down during the holiday season, it’s still important to take out your planner or phone and plan ahead.  Maintaining some sense of routine/schedule will help keep you a little more sane, allow you to complete tasks you need to get done, get in your daily movement AND enjoy time with the people you love! (because that’s what it’s all about!!)

  • Focus on getting enough quality sleep so that you feel your best during this amazing season.

Tara and Brian

Growing up, I always had a bed time (I’m sure you did too!).  Now that I AM a grown up, I have given myself a bedtime.  While I don’t ALWAYS stick to it, I really try to make that a priority because I feel better, I look better, and I’m MUCH more fun to be around.

A really cool feature of the FitBit is that it actually tracks sleep!

FitBit Sleep

FitBit Sleep

It tells you how long it took you to fall asleep, how long you were ACTUALLY sleeping and it shows you how efficient your sleep is based on the number of times you were awake/restless during the night.

I understand, getting enough sleep is super hard especially during the busy holiday season, but it’s SO worth it to carve out that time for yourself.

I love that I have my FitBit to help keep me on track during the holiday season.  It’s pretty discrete, so I can wear it with normal clothes, watches and bracelets without it looking to obvious that I am wearing a fitness tracker.  I also love that every time I look at my wrist I am reminded that I am committed to myself and my health…even during the crazy holiday season 🙂

Your Turn!!

  • Share some of your favorite ways to stay healthy and active during the holidays!
  • How will you #findyourfit??

Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Fitbit through their partnership with POPSUGAR Select. While I was compensated to write a post about Fitbit, all opinions are my own.

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  1. Hi Sarah,
    I just discovered your blog and really love your approach to health, fitness, and overall life. I am new to blogging at it is bloggers like you that keep the fire alive in me. I believe we have a similar well balance approach to living life that we want to share with the rest of the world. SO happy to have discovered your blog and can’t wait to read future posts.

    Any advice to the novice blogger would be much appreciated:) Happy Holidays!

    • Thanks, Maggie!! So great to “meet” you!! I’d say my biggest piece of advice for new bloggers is to just be YOU and enjoy the process 🙂 good luck!

  2. You are the cutest! LOVE how balanced your approach seems to be. Like you suggest, I find that the more I restrict myself from the FUN (treats, parties, breaks from the gym to snuggle inside on snowy days, etc.) of the holidays, the less I actually enjoy the fun I do get to have, mostly because I’m stressed about it. For example, if I allow myself to have ANY of the cookies I want at the cookie exchange, I find that I actually don’t want ALL OF THE COOKIES and am happy and content to enjoy just one or two. If I miss a workout to snuggle in on a snowy morning, I might have more energy for a cardio-boosting snowball fight and snowy stomp that afternoon! For me, the bonus is that I’m providing an example of a balanced lifestyle for my kids. 🙂

    • Thanks, Sarah!!! I love your balanced approach too!!! Getting in a cardio snowball fight is JUST as great (if not better!) than scheduling in a “workout” 🙂 Happy holidays!