Hello out there!
I am Tara and this is my first post on my brand new blog, Treble in the Kitchen! This is a healthy lifestyle blog where I will share recipes, workouts, wedding planning (I’m recently engaged!), everyday life, and basically everything that just makes me tick! I started reading food and fitness blogs about a year ago, and have wanted to start my own ever since!
I love cooking and experimenting in the kitchen with (mostly) healthy recipes, secretly healthifying not so healthy recipes, and just sharing food and recipes with friends and family. To me, cooking is all about trial and error and that is what I love about it! It is a total learning experience 😉 I am NOT a chef, I have just found a passion in cooking and sharing wholesome, delicious, and healthy food with others.
I love finding the “lessons” everyday life has to give me. I feel that I am a pretty positive person and always try to look on the bright side of things. My mom and I always say…“Everything happens for a reason…” even if it is hard to find the silver lining sometimes.
Recently, I have become certified as an ACE Personal Trainer, and I also teach group fitness classes twice a week. Being active and fit is something that has always been important to me. I guess you could say that recently I have become a “runner.” In high school I ran a little bit during the summers to stay active, and I have completed a couple of 5k races, but I could NEVER get past that 30 minute run! I knew that my only roadblock was myself, so this summer I signed up (along with my fiance!) for a 6 mile race and found an approachable training plan. Since then, the running bug has caught me and I (along with 5 of my friends!…I don’t like racing alone!) signed up for a half marathon! I will document my training and workouts on the blog to keep track of my progress.
This is just a sneak peak of what is in store, check out the “About ” page and the “Names with Faces” to learn more about me and my family! And I just happened to do a little cooking this weekend, so there are a couple of recipes to get you started!
Based on this post, here are a few similar ones you should check out.
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