Good morning and happy hump day!
It is October 2 and the Monumental Half Marathon is officially one month away!
Training has been going really well so far.
My Sunday runs are getting longer, and I am keeping my pace right around 8:30 or 8 minute miles.
This past Saturday, it was a GORGEOUS day outside and I could not wait to get out on Sunday to hit the pavement for 9 miles. Â Unfortunately, Sunday was not quite as gorgeous as Saturday and it was RAIN city!
Despite the rain, I thought I would head out for my 9 mile run anyways. Â BOY was it raining hard! Â This was not just a light sprinkle, this was a full out downpour. Â So I ran 1 mile out and 1 mile back home, and it looked as if I had jumped into a pool with my clothes on…
I was kind of bummed and I was having a hard time figuring out when I would fit this 9 mile run into my week that was already filling up with Group Fitness classes that I was subbing. Luckily I am not easily defeated and once the rain slowed down I headed out AGAIN!
This time, it was only sprinkling so I hit the ground to finish the last 7 miles of my run.
It felt good to have it complete!!
Yesterday, was a shorter 4 mile tempo run with an easy mile tacked on at the end. Â I was happily able to keep my pace JUST below an 8 minute mile.
As far as stretching, I attended a Wednesday morning yoga class for the past two weeks, but this week I am skipping out due to some other teaching commitments, and I have been foam rolling at least once a day to help eliminate soreness and tightness in my muscles.
My muscles don’t seem nearly as sore as they did during my training for the Mini Marathon, but by the end of the day I am BEAT!
I also want to share that I have started using Bloglovin! I was previously using Google Reader, but back in July when that went down I moved on to Feedly. Â I am happy with Feedly, but I still wanted to see what Bloglovin was all about.
Maybe I am just being silly and indecisive, but either way you can Follow my blog with Bloglovin or on Feedly! 🙂
Based on this post, here are a few similar ones you should check out.
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You go girl! You are more motivated than most! You are going to do great when the big day comes!
Thanks for the motivation!!!!!
I love Bloglovin for my reading! It is a great way to keep up with the blogs I love and I try to ‘like’ the posts I return to for reference points. It keeps me organized! 🙂
Good to know Jana 🙂 I’m still figuring it out!
Yay for running in the rain! I have had my fair share of rainy half-marathon training runs
The rain isn’t so bad sometimes but it was pouring!
Way to stick with it girl. I’m not quite sure I would’ve found the motivation to get my bootay back out the door once I was already inside. =)
Ha! Thanks Jessie!