Gymboss Interval Timer {Giveaway Closed}

While I was home this weekend, I completed this tabata workout with something that made things a little “easier” than normal….

Tabata Workout

A couple of weeks ago, I received a fun, new-to-me, fitness toy in the mail to try out and review.

gymboss tabata

A  Gymboss Interval Timer.

I could not wait to try this out!  I have seen them before on other healthy living blogs, but I had never tried one until now.

gym boss

I absolutely love completing circuit workouts, but typically I will use my phone or watch to keep time.  This  means I am often distracted during the exercise and constantly checking my phone or looking at my watch which means I am neglecting my technique, and not working to my fullest potential.

If you have ever done a timed workout and used your phone/watch I am sure you have been in that situation too!

The Gymboss interval timer is great, because it literally clips on to your body and it stays there! (even through burpees!)

Mine clips comfortably onto my tank top strap, but I’m sure you could clip it to your pants, shoe, or anywhere else you want.

gym boss

Now, you are probably wondering what is SO GREAT about this little gadget…

Well, it keeps the time for you.  You can set it to specific intervals and tell it the number of sets you want to do and when it’s time to rest, switch exercise, or when that set is over, it beeps, or vibrates, or beeps and vibrates and there is not a chance you will miss the timing to move onto the next part of the workout routine.

This timer can do:

  • 1 or 2 intervals – 2 seconds to 99 minutes
  • Repeat up to 99 times
  • Beep and/or Vibrate alarm
  • Alarm duration 1, 5, or 10 seconds (originally I had it set to 10 seconds and let me just say…that is a long time to hear beeping and vibrating!)
  • Act as a stopwatch

I can imagine this being a SUPER handy tool while teaching group fitness too!

Here is a list of other workouts that would definitely be enhanced by using the Gymboss timer.

Circuit/Tabata Workouts 

Want to win a Gymboss Interval Timer of your own?  I thought so!

Gymboss Interval Timer Giveaway via Treble in the Kitchen

One Treble in the Kitchen Reader will win a Gymboss Interval Timer, color of your choice!

*This giveaway will run through Sunday, March 2 and I will contact a winner on Monday, March 3.

In order to enter, please do the following:  Pick and choose the ways you want to enter.  The only one you MUST do is leave a comment :)


A HUGE thanks to Gymboss for sponsoring this giveaway.  As always opinions are my own.  This post contains affiliate links, thank you for the support!

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  1. White and gold! I LOVE interval/circuit workouts. This is so much easier than using an app and having to hold my phone.