Guest Post: Self Love

Hi from the sky friends!  Brian and I have ended our Italian adventure and we are headed back to the states.  Although the honeymoon is over and we are headed back to reality, I have another fabulous guest for you!  Jessie, from Jessie Loves to Run, has been a blogging buddy of mine for quite some time now.  Remember when she sent me a box of Weetabix?!  What a sweet girl!  Jessie is great at looking at things in a positive light, staying strong when times get tough, and being true to herself. She is also a fellow smoothie lover 🙂 I love it!  So, without further ado….


Hi Guys! It’s Jessie @ Jessie Loves To Run.

Jessie Guest Post 1

Today I’m filling in for Mrs. Tara Rochford while she & her new husband, Brian are enjoying their romantic honeymoon in Italy.

I started reading Tara’s blog quite some time ago. Come to think of it, her blog was one of the firsts I had ever read.  To be able to follow along her engagement journey, to read about the planning, and heart those two love birds put into each part of their wedding & relationship has been beautiful. They are the couple that you just know will have ever lasting love. So Tara & Brian, enjoy every second of everyday with one another <3

Speaking of love, that’s part of today’s post. If you’ve seen my last two guest posts I’ve done within the past month, one on Beauty and the other on Comparison, I figured it’d only make sense to add on.

We can sit here & come up with ideas on how to feel beautiful, or how to steer clear of comparison, but in the end do we?

Our first and last love is… Self-Love

I know there have been moments in my life where I’ve felt lost and uncertain when it comes to Self-Love. Self-Love is more than just being able to call yourself beautiful; it’s finding ways in life to bring out the best in you. So, I thought I’d share ways you can show yourself Self-Love.

  • Take time for YOURSELF. Find time each day to do something that gives you peace & joy. Go for a walk, make a new recipe, paint your nails, get a massage, mediate, listen to music… there are 100’s of things you could do. Be creative!

Jessie Guest Post 2

  • Forgive yourself & others. Every day is a new day, a day where you can put the hurt & guilt behind you. What’s the point of focusing on the bad instead of good? Unless the past brings positivity in your life, the past should stay in the past. Life is too short to let little things bring you down

Don’t define yourself by what you’ve done. Celebrate your accomplishments

  • Write down positive affirmations where you’ll see them each day. Every time you past one read it out loud

 Jessie Guest Post 3

  • Laugh. Not only is laughter a good core workout, but laughter triggers the release of endorphins, the body’s natural feel-good chemicals, and can even boost your immune system
  • Say NO. You are only human; you can’t do everything for everyone. Unless you want to do something, don’t feel as if you have to please others. When you do say “no” though, smile & say it with sincerity
  • Trust. Trust yourself. Don’t ever let someone else tell you that you’re wrong, and you can’t do something. If you have the heart, determination, and focus nothing should be able to stop you

Remember, there are no mistakes, only lessons. Love yourself, trust your choices, and everything is possible

So tell me, what are some Self Love ideas that have helped you?

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  1. I absolutely love this! I practice self love every single day. I have a journal that I write my affirmations in, and take the time to give myself rest and love. 🙂

  2. […] Good morning and happy Wednesday!! For someone who said they weren’t going to post too often, I sure am sounding like a liar, huh?! Ha Ha! You see, I had totally forgot the guest post I wrote for Tara was scheduled for yesterday. Whoops! I hope y’all enjoyed reading my tips on Self-Love though <3. If you missed it, you can read it HERE. […]

  3. Wonderful post & so many things we as females need to remember! I think my toughest one is “Say NO”. I’m a people pleaser by nature & always worried I’m “doing enough”. I need to find inner-peace that I am doing “enough” for me!

    • Thanks for stopping by Heather!! 🙂 Jessie is a pretty awesome girl!!! She definitely has great advice.

  4. Love this! I definitely need to do a better job of forgiving myself, especially lately, since we have so much to do with our house. I have a tendency to focus on the negative, but I have to remember the positive things and just take one day at a time. Everything will get done eventually, and I don’t need to beat myself up about it!

  5. Thanks for introducing me to another wonderful blog, Jessie! I clicked over from yours and I just love making new blog friends 🙂 Such an awesome reminder, too!

  6. I like that you brought up the concept of trusting ourselves. That can sometimes be even harder than trusting others. But our bodies have been with us through thick and thin and if we can’t rely on them then we literally will never make it through anything. That’s something I try to remember when going to the doctor. No one knows your body better than you.

    I also like the idea of forgiving ourselves even more! It’s easier (not easy, just easier) to forgive others I think because we in general as people just want to get along. Everyone makes mistakes and I think most realize that. However I know personally I don’t always apply this to myself. It’s a lot harder to forgive myself and I definitely hold myself to a higher standard. I don’t forget easily.

    Great post Jessie. You certainly gave us a lot to think about! 🙂

    • Welcome to the blog! Jessie did bring up some good points…so much to think about but at the end of the day we just need to be kind to OURSELVES!