I spent my wild and crazy Friday night baking for the first time in what seems like ages!
I whipped up a batch of my delicious Blueberry Muffins along with some muffins made from my Chickpea Banana Bread recipe.
Brian volunteers at a student run dental clinic some Saturdays, and they like to have snacks to share so I thought they would enjoy my little muffin treats!
With the wedding happening so recently and then the honeymoon following immediately after, I just haven’t had the time to really think about and plan meals, cook, and bake the way that I would like to. With this Friday being our first free Friday after the wedding festivities I thought relaxing by baking a bit would be the perfect activity. Something about watching the ingredients all meld together to create a delicious little package of a treat just amazes me, is fun, and kind of therapeutic. Call me crazy, but I just love cooking and baking!
I then attempted to watch a movie with Brian and my sister…and I fell asleep within the first 20 minutes. Oops!
Breakfast this morning came in the form of a smoothie bowl.
I mixed together the usual ingredients….strawberries, cocoa, Greek yogurt, almond milk, instant coffee, banana, stevia…and the bowl turned out delicious!
This morning, I will be heading to the gym to actually TEACH my first Bodypump class in what seems like ages. Again, with all of the wedding craziness going on I basically had to take most of June and all of July off from teaching. It will feel good to get back up on the stage 🙂
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