Five Things Friday 9.11.2015

Before I dive into today’s post I want to shed light on the tragic events that happened on September 11, 2001.  Many lives were lost and lives were changed forever that day, and I can’t help but take a moment to recognize them today.  We will never forget.


Hey Friends!  Happy Friday 🙂

Good morning from Jake’s Brew Bar!

Jake's Brew BarThis morning I started my day with a class at The Ballet Physique and now I’m getting a little blog work done at this adorable coffee shop across the street before a meeting 🙂

Breakfast was delicious and easy thanks to my Love Grown and Justin’s to-go packets! (and a wonderful almond milk latte!)

Justin's and Love Grown Breakfast

I feel like it’s been forever since I have chatted with all of you, so I am happy that I can take the time to share some updates from the week with you!

This weekend, Brian and I don’t have a TON planned but we are going to a movie tonight and we are going hiking on Sunday.  As for the rest, we will just have to wait and see!

five things friday

Five Things I Ate:

I just have to start this “food” section out by letting you know that Wednesday I had an insatiable hunger…then yesterday I ran 18 miles so, I was also pretty darn hungry and well, today? Yep…hungry again! Ha!! When I have days like that I really try to eat lots of little meals rather than snacky foods.  I put my mini meals on a plate and eat them sitting at the table and I make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day.  This helps me stay satiated a little longer 🙂

  • Earth’s Best Banana Raspberry Brown Rice Baby Food Packet:  Since I mentioned my run, I thought I would start with the fuel I ate during my run.  This baby food packet!!  It tasted really good 🙂 I ate it at about the halfway point (9 miles in) and felt really great until mile 11.5 when I got a cramp.  Not sure if it was because of the food, but I think I will stick with the butternut squash and banana packet I ate last time.

baby food running fuel

  • This Fall Nourish Bowl…so delicious.  I wrote down my measurements and took some photos so I plan on sharing the details soon.  This bowl has a bit of rice, sweet potato, sauteed kale, and shredded chicken.  Really delish.

Fall Nourish Bowl

  • Iced almond milk latte from Thump!  Monday, Brian and I took Bernie on a long morning walk that just happened to end at Thump, which is a coffee shop down the street from our apartment.  🙂

Almond milk latte

  • This eggplant tomato skillet…I mentioned it last week and then I made it again this week so I could photograph it for you and share the recipe and I totally forgot to take pictures! HA!  So…we will be eating it next week again.  That being said, Brian is totally happy about that because this recipe really tastes so good!

eggplant skillet from treble in the kitchen

  • This is my typical lunch (at least this week):  Shredded chicken, white rice (easier on my digestion), roasted zucchini and carrots, spinach.

lunch time skillet

I have the chicken, veggies and rice all cooked up ahead of time.

lunch prep

I just toss them all in a pan with the spinach to warm it up and wilt the greens, toss it in a bowl and I’m good to go!  So tasty and satisfying.

Workouts and Marathon  Training Recap:

After a “taper” week last week, I had my longest run yet of 18 miles.

18 mile run

I definitely ran slower than usual, but I got the 18 miles DONE!  I am still in disbelief that I ran for 3 hours.  Today (the day after) I am feeling a little sore in my glutes, hips and hamstrings but that is to be expected.  I plan on foam rolling, stretching and doing lots of walking to keep things feeling good.

Earlier in the week I did a quick 3 mile run and was happy to have a comfortable pace of around 8 minutes per mile.

3 mile run

After running for 3 hours, it’s amazing how SHORT 3 miles really feels!

Other workouts I did this week:

Five Things Making Me Happy:

  • Sleeping Bernie…so adorable!

Just snoozing next to me while I study.

sleeping bernie

Sleeping under the bed in the guest room. So cute I can’t stand it!

sleeping bernie

  • I took my organic chemistry final!! YAHOO! Guys…I feel like a new person.  I serious weight is lifted off of my shoulders andI am so ready to MOVE on 🙂
  • Having fun things to do this weekend other than study! I am so pumped for our hike on Sunday and for our movie tonight.
  • Shopping for dog halloween costumes….HA!

This would look GREAT on Bernie!

dog halloween costume

  • Meg (from A Dash of Meg, now Meg the RHN) is coming to Boulder!! We have been blogging friends for a few years now, so I am planning on going to her event with Shawn so I can finally meet her in person!! 🙂  Anyone in the Denver/Boulder area want to go with me!?

Meg and Shawn

Posts I Have Loved:

Alright friends! That’s all for today 🙂

I hope you have a fantastic weekend and Friday 🙂

Your Turn!

  • You know I love to hear from you! Share your weekend plans with me 🙂 (or something great from the week!)
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  1. Congrats on this week’s accomplishments!!! Thanks for all the tips and recipes. The fall nourishment bowl looks delightful! It’s been great having you in class at The Ballet Physique. Your positive vibes and enthusiasm is off the charts! Looking forward to our Periscope collab next Friday: Breaking down some barre moves 🙂

  2. hey ,
    the chicken from your bowl looks absolutely delish, i was wondering if the recipe was already on your blog ? anyway,i would love to try your lunch combo !

    • Thank you! I haven’t posted the recipe…basically I threw two chicken breasts into the crockpot with about 1/2 cup of water and some seasonings and let them cook on high until they are easy to shred. Super simple!