Five Things Friday 7.14.2017

Happy Friday!!!

I have successfully completed (well…at 3pm today!) my first full week of my Dietetic Internship!

Tara Dietetic Internship

That was a picture Brian took of me on my first day.

Right now, I am completing a portion of my community requirements with the Marion County Health Department.  Each day has been a bit different. I have done things like helping out with distribution and sharing recipes at a food pantry, created flyers/newsletters with health information to distribute to food pantries, and helped other interns with classes they led for preschool-aged children and adults with disabilities.  Next week, I will be attending and helping to facilitate more classes for children and adults, and I’m really looking forward to it!

Apple Donuts

Above are “apple donuts!”  We educated preschoolers on basic nutrition information and after some fun interactive games, they had snack time.  The apples were cut into thin slices with the core cut out to resemble a donut, yogurt was provided to use as “frosting” and blueberries were the sprinkles.  The kids loved these simple treats!

While it feels wonderful to finally be diving into my internship, I will be honest in saying after being “at home” studying for nearly 3 years, it’s a bit strange not being able to take the dogs on multiple long walks during the day and totally work on my own schedule.

As for weekend plans, Brian and I are doing our usual Saturday morning run followed by the farmer’s market routine, checking out a neighborhood estate sale, and then on Sunday we are attending Yoga in the Outfield.  

I hope you all had a wonderful week and have an even better weekend 🙂

Here are some more highlights from my week…

Five Things Friday from Treble in the Kitchen

Five Things I Ate:

  • Smoothie bowl topped with a few frozen blueberries and a dollop of peanut butter. (I’ve totally been on a peanut butter kick this week!)

Smoothie Bowl

  • Overnight oats in a jar (makes mornings so simple!!)

The combination was:

1/4 cup oats, 1/2 cup liquid (water/almond milk), 1/2 mashed banana, 2 tsp chia seeds, dash of cinnamon, dash of vanilla extract, 1 tablespoon sprouted brown rice protein powder.  Then, in the morning I topped with peanut butter 🙂

Overnight Oats

  • Egg White Banana Oats topped with frozen blueberries and peanut butter (told ya…peanut butter is all over the place this week!)

Banana Oats

  • Dinner salad with grilled salmon, all the veggies (seriously) an olive oil, red wine vinegar, dijon dressing and a homemade biscuit on the side.

Dinner Salad

  • A delicious pesto crockpot chicken and veggie dinner that I am remaking and photographing so I can share with all of you!!

Five Workouts I Did:

  • Naptown SWIFT – Monday we did tons of pull ups…!
  • Speed workout running (I’m just starting to get into speed work again, so eased into it with a 10ish minute warm up and cool down and 2×1 mile repeats at around a 7 minute mile pace)
  • Naptown SWIFT – Wednesday we did tons of double unders (jump rope) and squat movements…my legs are still sore!
  • East 40 minute run
  • Yoga – a couple of times this week I did at home yoga videos and it just felt so good!  Lately, my youtube instructor of choice has been Yoga with Adriene.

Five Things Making Me Happy:

  • Surviving my first week of the Dietetic Internship 🙂
  • A rainy but fun night out with friends on the canal to see My Yellow Rickshaw last night.

My Yellow Rickshaw

My Yellow Rickshaw

  • My garden!! I need to take more pictures of it, but seriously it is SO tall and I keep getting veggies from it 🙂
  • Rooney at dog school

Bark Tutor

  • Yoga in the Outfield this weekend!  I love attending fun yoga events that aren’t necessarily in the studio.  It will be a great way to spend the morning.

Posts I Am Loving:

Your Turn!!

  • Share some highlights from your week with me!
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  1. Hi there! I really enjoy these posts, they make me look at my own week and pick out all the great things that happened which helps to fade away any memories of any stress I may have had! Such a good idea! I’ll share a few of mine, this is fun 🤗
    1. I completed the first of three exams in my Anatomy & Physiology for Dietetics summer class! Which means 1/3 of the way done and almost one more prerequisite down to apply to the coordinated program I am aiming for 2. I came up with a new/old plan to get the veggies I always excitedly buy at the store or pick from my garden (and often end up throwing some away when I haven’t followed through and they’ve gone bad) into my meals. I used to be a pro at this and then I had a baby and three years later I’m still working to get that veggie mojo back 😂 3. I came across a book called the Wellness Project and am excitedly awaiting for its arrival! 4. I just discovered Yoga with Adriene on YouTube! Maybe it was a story you did on Instagram or one someone else posted, but I’ve done her yoga a few times now and being a newbie who has been wanting to do yoga forever I couldn’t be more excited! She’s awesome. Thanks for sharing, your posts are always so inspiring ☺️

  2. Ah! Love the cute picture of Rooney! Congrats on the first week! I always need to get through that first one to help me settle in mentally.