Five Things Friday 3.28.2014

Happy last Friday of March!

I am excited that next month is April, because that is my birth month ๐Ÿ™‚ but I also can’t believe that it is already April…my how time is flying by.

Relatively speaking, Brian and I have a pretty low key weekend and I am thankful for that. ย Just random chores, errands and weekend things and a date night in on Saturday. ย I can’t wait!

Time for a little Five Things Friday hosted by Fitting it all In.

five things friday

Five Things I Ate:

  • ย Collard wraps for lunch…so good!

lunch wrap 1

  • ย This dinner salad…sweet potatoes, salmon, romaine, spinach, green onion, walnuts, blue cheese…so good!

salmon salad 1

  • ย Sweet potato “nachos” aka sliced and baked sweet potato topped with a TON of veggies, guac and salmon.

sweet potato nachos

  • Back to my regular breakfast frittata, fruit and coconut butter. ย Pretty basic, but really delicious.


citrus shrimp dinner 2

Five Workouts:

  • Bodypump
  • Running
  • Yoga
  • Insanity

Five Things Making Me Happy:

This video is so inspiring, and I literally felt like she wasย talking to MEย during the entire video. ย Definitely worth the 18 minutes ๐Ÿ™‚

Dr. Libby is one of the people I look up to the most when it comes to nutrition and health professionals. ย I first learned about her while I was working on a cruise line in New Zealand, and I read her book Accidentally Overweight. ย If you are into women’s health, science, and nutrition the book needs to be added to your list NOW.

  • Indianapolis Blog Love

Last week, Maria Romaine wrote a guest post for me about How to Stay Healthy at Work and this week Sara from Solid Gold Eats included me in a chili recipe roundup. ย To top it all off, today I am meeting the fabulous Sarah from Creating a Better Tomorrow for lunch! ย All three of these wonderful women are bloggers in the Indianapolis area ๐Ÿ™‚

Love my city!

Indianapolis skyline

  • I feel so honored that I was able to work with Wellpoint on their exercise break video for the Partnership for a Healthier America. ย Being in this video is definitely making me happy!

wellpoint exercise break

  • Date night in with Brian on Saturday (we are cooking up a yummy meal and watching a movie)
  • The Fire Starter Sessions. ย Jen from Peanut Butter Runner has talked about this book so many times. ย I can’t wait to read it!
  • and a 6th just for fun!!! **Reminder that Rita’s Blog School enrollment starts on Monday. ย E-mail me if you have questions ๐Ÿ™‚

Posts I Have Loved:

It’s Your Turn!

  • Share something awesome from your week!
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  1. Hope you and Sara had a wonderful lunch date. So jealous the two of you were able to meet up – however, I’m glad you’ve formed such a lovely friendship through blogging ๐Ÿ™‚ Heading to check out a few links you shared.

  2. I just wanted to thank you so much for linking to the TedX talk by Libby Weaver — I have *needed* the information she provides for the past 2 years and can’t wait to dig into her books. Thank you!

    • Maria, I am so glad you read this post and found Libby as helpful and inspiring as I have ๐Ÿ™‚ I have only read Accidentally Overweight, but Rushing Woman’s Syndrome has been on my list for quite some time. Not sure where you live, but Dr. Libby will be in NYC in May if you want to see her in person ๐Ÿ™‚