Five Things Friday 1.15.2016

Hello and happy Friday friends!

How did the week treat you?  Hopefully, it wasn’t too rough 🙂

As I’m writing this post, I’m realizing how quickly the week flew by and that I really didn’t take that many pictures (oops!).  It was my first week back in classes for the spring semester, so my mind was a little all over the place.

Remember last week how I said I was going to take another ski lesson and then on Monday I posted about snowshoeing?  Well, I was unable to ski because it was a blackout date on our ski pass but tomorrow I actually am taking my second ski lesson of the season…so wish  me luck!  After a day of skiing the plan is to come home, enjoy a new-to-us crockpot recipe, finish the last episode of Making a Murderer, and I think I’m going to test a recipe to share with you guys in the near future.  Today, I am actually going to run around and get errands and things done because I was able to turn in all my assignments for the week already (woo!).  Feels good to start the first week off right!

Now, let’s share a little five things friday….

Five Things Friday from Treble in the Kitchen

Five Things I Ate:

  • Smoothie bowls! On Tuesday morning, Marisa and I got together for a smoothie bowl date.  It was seriously the BEST way to start the day, and the smoothie bowl tasted amazing!


smoothie bowl

photo courtesy of Marisa

I love this meal not only for it’s flavor, but because there are usually leftover meatballs that can be used for easy lunches or quick dinners later in the week.

  • This delicious lunch salad!  I made a super tasty homemade salad dressing this week (I’ll share the recipe soon!) and I feel like I want to eat it on all.the.things 🙂   This salad has romaine, spinach, a ton of roasted veggies (brussels sprouts, carrots, parsnips, rutabaga, zucchini), cucumber, tomato, and some of the leftover meatballs I mentioned above.

lunch salad

  • Warm oatmeal bowls.  My breakfasts have been either super cold smoothie bowls or super hot oat bowls this morning.  Even though they are complete opposites I am totally loving both.
  • Paella from Juli Bauer’s Paleo Cookbook.  I know I shared this over the weekend, but it was totally good enough to share again.

Paella Dinner

Five Workouts:

Still going strong on the 21 in 31 Challenge I am working towards this month at Yoga Pod.

  • Taught Bodypump
  • Vin/Yin Yoga (a super relaxing class we did right before bed)
  • Vinyasa Yoga
  • Barre
  • Boot Camp

Five Things Making Me Happy:

  • This house and ALL of it’s Christmas lights (that are still up!!)  I feel like the photo doesn’t even do the house justice….there are a TON of lights on that house!

crazy christmas lights

  • The Powerball…ok so we did NOT win, but Brian and I had a lot of fun dreaming about what our life would be like with all that money! 😉
  • Essential oils! I have started putting them in daily and I absolutely ADORE them!! There are a ton of recipes on the NOW website, but I’m wondering if any of you have “recipes” that you want to share!  I’d love to hear them.

How I Create a Healthy Work Space via Treble in the Kitchen

  • Getting through my first week of the semester.  Now that I have it under my belt I feel like it’s go time and I’m ready to be super focused and get through these next few months.
  • Being in a clinical setting!  This semester, the lab portion of one of my classes is actually completed outside of the classroom alongside an actual dietitian.  I am spending my time at an obesity weight loss clinic and had my first session there on Tuesday.  I really loved my first experience and can’t wait to learn even more.

Posts I Have Loved:

That’s all I have for today!  Have a wonderful weekend and I’ll check back in with you next week 🙂

Your Turn:

  • Share your weekend fun below!
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