Fancy Fennel

Last night, I taught my cycle 45 spinning class and we did this workout:

Warm Up 5 minutes

Sprints 7 min:

  • 4×15 moderate
  • 4×15 sprint
  • 2×30 sprint
  • 45 sec sprint
  • 15 sec recovery

Hills and Jumps 10:

  • 2 min at race pace
  • Hills (30 sec each 5, 6, 7, 8 stand at the top)
  • Hill down (30 sec 8, 7, 6, 5)
  • 1 min Stay at moderate race pace
  • 2 min Jumps 8 up 8 down
  • 1 min Jumps 4 up 4 down

Combination 10.5:

  • 1 min standing run
  • 30 sec sprint
  • 1 min Jumps 4 up 4 down
  • 1 min moderate pace
  • Repeat 2x


  • 45 seconds standing
  • 30 seconds seated race pace
  • 15 seconds sprint
  • 60 seconds standing
  • 30 seconds seated
  • 15 seconds sprint
  • Repeat 1x

The one thing I don’t like about teaching classes in the evening, is that I am literally starving by the time I am done and I cannot wait to get home to eat dinner.

I bought a bulb of fennel while I was grocery shopping and had yet to use it.  Last night was the night.  Fennel can be intimidating, but it is really easy to use!

I started out by cutting off the top green part so that I just had a round bulb at the end.  I then cut the bulb into smaller pieces that ended up looking kind of like celery.  Fennel has a very licoricy smell and taste to it when raw.  I would always hear Giada on the food network talk about the “licoricy” smell of fennel, and now I know what she was talking about!

Giada de Laurentiis

I then sprayed a pan with nonstick cooking spray and tossed the Fennel with some spud spice and sauteed it until tender.  To complete my meal I added shrimp to the fennel to cook for a couple of minutes, and prepared quinoa on the side.

The meal took a total of about 25 minutes including prep, and had a slightly “fancy” feel to it!  Brian said this meal was a keeper.

After dinner, Brian and I spent much of the night working on wedding plans, and we will be spending much of today on wedding plans too!  For wedding planning fuel, I made myself a super green smoothie:

  • 3/4 Frozen Banana
  • 1/2 Cup Almond Milk
  • Splash Vanilla Extract
  • 1 Tbsp Honey
  • Pinch Xanthum Gum
  • Large Handful of Spinach
It's not easy being green

I was also able to fit in a quick workout that I saw on Julie’s blog.  And I added in 8 minute abs at the end!

Each exercise should be performed for one minute, and then one minute rest before moving on to the next exercise.

  • Body weight squat
  • Jumping Jacks
  • Plank
  • Alternate leg lunge
  • Hip lift (lie on your back, knees bent, press your hips up, drop back down at a controlled pace).
  • Side plank (30 seconds each side)
  • High knee jog on the spot
  • Basic crunch
  • Mountain climbers
Hope everyone has a great Friday and is ready for the weekend, I know that I sure am!
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  1. Great stuff from you, man. Ive read your stuff before and youre just too awesome. I love what youve got here, love what youre saying and the way you say it. You make it entertaining and you still manage to keep it smart. I cant wait to read more from you. This is really a great blog.

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  3. Sounds like you are having a great summer Tara, I can’t wait to hear about your cruise! Miss you girl!
    Kelly C.