Double Digit Miles

After two weekends in a row of VERY rainy weather on the day I was set to complete my long run, I was so happy and relieved that the weather was absolutely gorgeous in Indianapolis this weekend.

I woke up yesterday morning with determination to finally get my milage into the double digits AND to do it around my goal pace of 8 minutes per mile.

Guess what…

10 mile run garmin

I did it and I couldn’t be happier!

While I did complete 10 miles with an 8:08 pace, I didn’t do it alone.

Ben and Tara post run

A great friend, and one of Brian’s groomsmen ran the 10 miles with me.  It was so helpful to have someone to talk with, someone to push me out of my comfort zone, and someone to keep me company.  It’s crazy how running WITH someone can be just the motivation needed to get it done!

After the 10 mile run, I honestly felt great, and while my legs are a bit sore today that is to be expected.

13 miles…here we come!

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