I got home from work starving…I guess that’s what 10 miles will do to ya! And Mom had a little lunch all made up for me.
Carrots, celery, ritz, cucumbers, dip, radishes, crab, and cheese! It was perfect. On to the important things.
Grocery Shopping
I received a request last week for a step-by-step guide as to how I go grocery shopping for two people for two weeks for $100.
There are a lot of helpful tips in Clean Shopping on a Budget and Clean Shopping on a Budget Part II.
Here is my process for creating a yummy, fun, creative, and inexpensive grocery list.
Step 1:
Think about what ingredients are already have in the house, what staples are there and what can be made with it?
Here is what I had on hand:
I usually base my meal ideas around things that will potentially go bad soon, or keep these items in mind while making my menu for the next two weeks.
Step 2:
I like to think about what I want to make. I usually am constantly compiling recipes that I want to try and pick a couple meals and treats from that list. I then add the needed ingredients to the list.
Step 3:
Then, I look at my schedule. With my new retail job, I may be working through dinner and need to have something available for Brian to either heat up or make on his own (aka chicken or guacamole ingredients)
I start out the list with things that I buy every week, and staples that need to be replenished.
My Staples (I did not have to purchase all of these this week, but sometimes like when just starting out and building up the pantry the grocery bill may be higher because all of these items need to be purchased.):
To avoid impulse buys while at the store, I write down the things I want with the price next to them so that next time they will make it on the list.
Step 7:
Once my list is made, I go back to old lists and write down the price that I purchased things for in the past and calculate things up. If it is over my budget (a couple of dollars is ok), it’s time to start crossing things off the list.
While I am actually shopping, once I put an item in my cart I immediately write the price down rounded up to the nearest dollar. This helps me total at the end and create future lists!
Step 8:
I then go to brand websites and coupon sites to print out coupons before heading out to the store. I can almost always find coupons for Chobani, Almond Breeze, and Fiber One.
This method works for me, and I enjoy the process of getting everything ready for grocery day. I know it’s not for everyone, and that is ok! For me, doing all of these things will allows for a fun, healthy, and delicious grocery list where the budget is easily monitored.
Happy Shopping!
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