Boot Camp and Puppies

After breakfast this morning, I headed to the gym with my mom.  After having a good 5 days off from working out, it sure did feel great to start the day with a sweat session!  I completed a boot camp style workout that combined various exercises that I taught in a boot camp class while working on the cruise ship.

I then completed a short ab workout before doing 35 minutes of cardio on the elliptical.

We then came home and I did some research on job openings and sent out a couple of resumes, and the next thing I knew it was time for lunch!

I made a delicious salad of spinach and lettuce topped with cucumber, tomato, onion, salsa, salmon and homemade guacamole.  It was tasty and the perfect combo of carbs from the veggies, protein from the salmon, and fat from the guacamole 🙂


Brian, my mom, and I then headed to the animal shelter to shop for puppies!! 

Recently, my family’s dog, Quigley, passed away.  While we still have one dog at home, she desperately needs a companion, and my mom needs a good little project.  The cutest dogs there were little Sheltie puppies!! So adorable!  I could have taken one home right then and there, but my mom is still thinking about it.

How can you say no to this face?

We then headed back home and had a chilled afternoon, and the next thing I knew it was time for dinner…my the days are flying by!

Now, we are all headed out to do some Cosmic bowling.  I have not been bowling in ages and have never been very great at the sport, but tonight should be fun!  Just me, Brian, and the ‘rents 😉


Happy Friday Night!

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