I am super excited because this morning I get to teach a class back at Butler…Cycle Core. This class is kind of a combination of the two classes I taught this summer. A focus on the bike for cardio broken up by doing strength training for abs, butt, hips, and back.
Here is a look at what we will be doing this morning.
Warm Up (5 minutes on bike)
Sprint Pyramid (7 minutes)
40 second sprint—20 seconds recovery
30 second sprint—30 seconds recovery
20 second sprint—40 seconds recovery
10 second sprint—50 seconds recovery
20 second sprint—40 seconds recovery
30 second sprint—30 second recovery
40 second sprint—20 second recovery
15 controlled singles
10 lower bent leg lifts (Dead bug) mod. Single leg
15 upper body crunches with legs up
15 clam crunches (2 counts up 2 counts down)
10 hip plank raise and lower (imagine you are in a toaster)
switch sides
35 sec hold plank
Sprint Pyramid (5 minutes)
30 second sprint—30 seconds recovery
20 second sprint—40 seconds recovery
10 second sprint—50 seconds recovery
20 second sprint—40 seconds recovery
30 second sprint—30 second recovery
15 Back extension with hands at temples
Swimmer 30 seconds
15 touchdown, slow controlled
10 push ups (modified or regular)
Sprint Pyramid (3 minutes)
40 second sprint—20 seconds recovery
30 second sprint—30 second recovery
40 second sprint—20 second recovery
10 hip lift and lower
10 hip lift and lower with R leg up
10 with L leg up
20 march in place with hips up
15 Lie on side with knee down, hand on hip—raise and lower leg
15 Bring leg back and forth
Switch sides
Hill Climb (2 minutes)
Increase gear every 15 seconds
Sprint Pyramid
30 second sprint—30 seconds rest
20 second sprint—40 seconds rest
30 second sprint—30 seconds rest
In order to fuel myself for this early morning class I had a bowl of Greek yogurt mixed with peanut butter, cinnamon, splenda, and a date bar.
It was creamy and satisfying but not too filling where I would have a stomach ache during class…it’s happened before and isn’t very pleasant.
Yoga Pose of the Day
This will be coming later in the day today 😉
Hope everyone has a great day, off to teach class!
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[…] teaching Cycle Core yesterday, I thought that a good hip flexor and ab stretch would be the perfect start to the […]