Autumn Yogurt Bowl

Since I made that delicious iced coffee a couple of days ago, I have been waking up knowing exactly what I will drink with my breakfast!!

I will have to say that I have been in a weird breakfast mood lately…no smoothies for the past couple of days.  Today, I opted for a yogurt bowl.  To be more specific…an Autumn Yogurt Bowl.

I mixed:

  • 1/2 cup Greek yogurt
  • 1/4 cup pumpkin
  • touch of cinnamon
  • 2 packets of splenda
  • 1 Tbsp peanut butter
  •  a little bit of granola for extra crunch
It was very yummy, and I think it would also be great as a tasty apple dip!
This morning, I had big plans to head to the gym to try out a new-to-me les mills class called RPM.  This class is a spinning class that is choreographed to specific music, much like my beloved Body Pump.  Unfortunately, I did not get to bed until later than planned last night and I was just plain tired when I woke up, so I hit the snooze and slept for an extra hour and a half and plan to workout after work.  I know it isn’t ideal, but I will make it work!
How often do you change your workout?  Fitsugar had a poll about switching up the workout routine.  I find that there are specific types of exercise that I enjoy more often, but I change my routine up quite a bit.  If it is running, I will run different distances or paths.  If it is a fitness class that I am teaching or taking, I know that the class will have different moves every week.  I like the change so that I don’t get in a rut, and it keeps me constantly challenging myself so that I am sore in new areas all the time.
Do you regularly change  your workout routine or do you stick with what you know to simply maintain your fitness level?
PS….I am soooo excited for Modern Family to premiere tonight!  Any other Modern Family fans out there?!
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