Good morning friends!
I honestly cannot believe that it is already Thursday. Man this week flew!
For me, this week has probably gone by so fast because it is not a typical week for me. Beginning on Tuesday, I have been out of my office and in special training for work and participating in a special work event. It has been a great opportunity to meet new people and learn new things about what my job and role is at the hotels I work in.
The past couple of days, I have had a few spare minutes after getting ready at the gym. This has been great because it has allowed me to stop at a little coffee shop, get some coffee and borrow some internet while eating my pre-packaged (by me) overnight oats. It has been a pretty nice way to start the day!
I must say that I am absolutely loving the fall scenery recently. The leaves and trees are more vibrant that ever. I just had to snap a pic!
When I got home after a long but surprisingly great day of work, I had a package waiting for me. I absolutely love getting mail, and I felt like it was just a little cherry to put on top of an already good day.
This was the package from my foodie pen pal.
Don’t you want to know what is inside?
Looks like you will just have to wait until the end of the month!
On another note, I just wanted to mention the peanut/peanut butter recall. As a nut lover, I know how often I eat the spread and individual nuts, and I just want to make sure everyone is aware of the situation. As of now, the recall has spread to peanuts as well as peanut butter. Sunland has recalled everything made in its contaminated plant since March 2010.
Here are some articles that have a little more insight and information for your health and safety:
Question of the Morning:
Based on this post, here are a few similar ones you should check out.
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gosh so jealous I wish I could have done the foodie pen pal box, couldn’t afford it this month
love that you keep it classy with tupperware for your overnight oats as well :).