Five Things Friday 6.19.2015

Hey friends and happy Friday!!!  How are you doing this morning??  Just popping into give you a quick update on the week and say hello!  These past two weeks have been crazy busy with studying for my program but I am seriously loving it!!

I’ve had to do some pretty fun labs, and I’m required to take selfies! 🙂

Tara Lab Selfie

Tara Lab Selfie

All in a days work, right?  The weather is supposed to be absolutely 100% gorgeous here this weekend and while I would SOOO love to spend a significant amount of time outside enjoying the pool and walking Bernie I have got to study study study.  I’m really trying to stay laser focused on my nutrition course work because we are trying to cram  A LOT into a little amount of time.

Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!!!! (It’s the official first day of the summer solstice and Father’s Day!!)

five things friday

Five Things I Ate:

  • Cucumbers topped with tuna and dijon topped with a fresh, juicy, summery tomato 🙂


  • Smoothie bowls…the BEST after my morning run!

Smoothie bowl

  • Dinner cooked by Brian…on the table waiting when I walked in the door!! What a nice thing to comeo home to, right?  Roasted potatoes, grilled zucchini and grilled chicken.


  • Shrimp bowl with Thai-style sauce.  I have been playing around and experimenting with this sauce for a while and I can’t wait to share it with you 🙂  This bowl had Jasmine rice on the bottom, steamed zucchini and carrots in the middle, shrimp and then the Thai sauce.


  • Sauteed kale, sprouted brown rice and quinoa blend, steamed spinach, grilled salmon with rosemary and orange zest (the best combo!).


Five Workouts:

  • Taught Bodypump
  • Yoga
  • Running for marathon training (this is taking the place of some of the variety of my workouts)
  • Walking the dog
  • Stretching (yep, I’m counting it just so I have 5!!)

I wanted to use this space as a place to recap my marathon training…so here is a look at week 1 and 2

Running Shoes

Marathon Training Week 1

How did it feel?

This week my legs felt a little heavier than I expected.  I think this was partly due to teaching two Bodypump classes back to back and partly due to the weather warming up.  Either way, it wasn’t a big deal and I know my runs will continue to get stronger with training!  I felt a little dizzy during my early morning runs, so I think I need to attempt to eat something prior.

Original Schedule:

  • Monday:  Cross Training
  • Tuesday:  5 miles
  • Wednesday:  off
  • Thursday:  5 miles
  • Friday:  3 miles
  • Saturday:  Cross Training
  • Sunday:  off

What I actually did:

  • Monday:  Cross Training (Taught Bodypump)
  • Tuesday:  Cross Training (Taught Bodypump–subbed a class)
  • Wednesday:  5 miles
  • Thursday:  5 miles
  • Friday:  Tabata class
  • Saturday:  off
  • Sunday:  off

Podcasts I listened to:

Marathon Training Week 2

How did it feel?

I realize that I really need to get into a better stretching routine after attending a yoga class on Wednesday that was dedicated to hips.  MAN am I tight!  I started doing a better job of stretching after my Thursday and Friday runs 🙂  ANother weird thing is that I have been feeling dizzy while running about half way through despite trying to eat a little something before.  I think it may be dehydration since it is so dry out here so I will bring a water bottle with me next week.  I have been averaging around 8:30/8:45 pace which feels comfortable.  I realize that with 20 more miles to go on my training plan getting the miles logged is way more important than having a speedy pace.

Original Schedule:

  • Monday:  Cross Training
  • Tuesday:  5 miles
  • Wednesday:  off
  • Thursday:  6 miles
  • Friday:  3 miles
  • Saturday:  Cross Training
  • Sunday:  off

What I actually did:

  • Monday:  Cross Training (Taught Bodypump)
  • Tuesday:  5 miles
  • Wednesday:  yoga
  • Thursday:  6 miles
  • Friday:  3 miles, abs
  • Saturday:  ?
  • Sunday:  ?

Podcasts I listened to:

Five Things Making Me Happy:

I was gifted this pair of shorts a while back, but then the weather got cold so I was NOT running outside in little shorts.  Now, the morning weather is about 60 degrees which is perfect weather for shorts and a tank while running.  I gave these shorts a try and love them!  They have a little compression spandex inside a looser short, so they don’t ride up at all or cause chaffing 🙂

Pearl Izumi Running Shorts

  • The Bachelorette

Loving this new season!  So much drama…as always, but can we talk about the date that they had auditioning and performing in a Broadway musical!?  Ummmm sign me up please!

  • Actually staring my RD program

I still feel like I need to be pinched.  I really cannot believe that I am actually in my program.  I am loving what I am studying and while it’s hard work and time consuming it is going to be so worth it!! PS:  I plan on writing a post recapping what program I’m in, what pre-reqs I took, etc.  If you have any specific questions let me know!

I feel like I haven’t even been able to get THAT excited because there has been so much going on everywhere in my life right now.  That being said, I am very excited to learn and meet other bloggers!  Anyone else going!?

  • Do at the Zoo!

Last night, Brian and I had the opportunity to attend the Denver Zoo’s fundraiser event “Do at the Zoo.”

Do at the Zoo 2015

It was such a last minute thing and I originally had lots of studying on the agenda, but when the opportunity came up I knew I needed to be a little spontaneous and accept the invite.  Such a fun way to spend the evening 🙂




Posts I Have Loved:

Your Turn:

  • Share something about your week or weekend plans with me!! 🙂
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  1. I love how you share your podcasts for your week of workouts! I also really like how you laid out the weeks…really easy to follow so please keep it up 🙂

    I’ve been hating the bachelorette this season unfortunately 🙁 It all seems so fake and scripted so far…It’s just annoying me 🙁

    • Thanks for the feedback, gretchen!! I can see what you are saying about the bachelorette…the group date “challenges” aren’t really my fav but I still like the drama 🙂

    • Thanks, Jen!! 🙂 Ugh…naturally I am rooting for the dentist (cupcake!!…Brian is a dentist!) but I don’t think he will make it much farther!

  2. Your smoothie bowl looks amazing! What is in it? I’m going to be totally unhealthy and say I am loving Ben & Jerry’s Peanut Butter Cookie core ice cream. I can’t stop eating… totally ate half a pint last night. And I am not sad about it : )

    • 1 frozen banana, 5 frozen strawberries, spinach, brown rice protein powder and coconut milk 🙂 AND that ben and jerry’s?! Brian is LOVING it too!!