Weekend Pics + Weekly Meals and Fitness

Hey guys!

How was the weekend?  Did you miss the hour of sleep on Sunday?  Honestly, I kind of did!  I was a little tired on Sunday and the day FLEW by.

Overall, it was a really great and productive weekend.  I wish I did a bit more relaxing, but with school and taking care of Bernie going on during the week, I have to do a lot of my blogging and fitness stuff on the weekends.  It’s all good though…as long as it gets done!

Friday, Brian’s mom came into town for a wedding floral arranging class and puppysat Bernie so I could hit the library to get some work/studying done.  It was glorious!

study time

Friday night dinner:  salad topped with baked salmon rubbed with a delicious Indian spice rub my friend Erin gave me.  So good!!

dinner salad

Then, I had some banana “ice cream” and a coconut oil chocolate chip bar 🙂

banana yo

And Bernie was SUPER snuggly 🙂


Saturday morning I took advantage of the early sunshine (the sun was out at 6:30am!!!) and got in a quick run.  It felt sooo good!


Then, we hit up our final session at puppy school!! I’ll be posting a recap/review of puppy school soon for any Denver area peeps that are looking for a great dog trainer!

puppy school

Trying to get Bernie to look at the camera…

puppy school

We picked Kate up from her flower class then went to the Irish Snug for a little happy hour action.  Love that place!

irish snug

The rest of our Saturday night was SUPER relaxing including a movie and peanut butter cookies 🙂

peanut butter cookies

Sunday, I baked up some Banana Nut Muffins for snacks/breakfasts throughout the week and subbed in ground up walnuts for the almond meal.   Thankfully, they turned out great!


I created a new video for you guys!! Now, I just have to edit (that’s the hard part!)

behind the scenes

We took Bernie on a little playdate and it was so adorable!  He absolutely LOVED digging in the dirt.

Bernie and Noah

Dirty nose…


He was so tired after playing outside.

Bernie and Tara

And because he was a tad bit muddy we popped him in the bath 🙂  So cute!

Bernie and Tara

I got more blogging/fitness stuff done, we grabbed dinner with Kate before taking her to the airport and enjoyed the day.  I hope you all had a wonderful weekend doing whatever you were doing 🙂

Meals for the Week:

  • Quinoa risotto (I hope it turns out!)
  • Salmon with brown rice and steamed broccoli/zucchini
  • Thai Chicken Burgers
  • Salmon Cakes with roasted vegetables and salad
  • Fish or chicken (depending on what is convenient) with broccoli and an experimental walnut “cheese” sauce
  • Rejuvinating Lentil Bowl

Foods I Prepped for the Week:


  • Bodypump
  • Boot Camp
  • Indoor Cycling
  • Bodypump (heading to a class I’m subbing in a couple weeks)
  • Tabata/Total Strength
  • Skiing

Should be a great week!

Questions of the Day:

  • What is one thing on your menu for the week?
  • Was your weekend relaxing or productive (or both!)
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    • Hi Jen!! Thanks for reading! 🙂 You will love Core Power 🙂 let me know what you think about the banana muffins too!

  1. Haha glad our outdoor bathtub made an appearance. Loved seeing Bernie dig!

    Your meal plan looks awesome – going to check out those chicken burgers and lentil bowls for inspiration. I hope the quinoa risotto + walnut cheese sauce turn out 🙂 I made a quinoa risotto in the crockpot but haven’t tried it on the stove!

    • 🙂 We love your bathtub!! Quinoa risotto in the crockpot sounds wonderful..sometimes I just don’t want to stir for 30 minutes! The lentil bowl was AMAZING! You would love it 🙂

  2. I also missed that hour of sleep..I took an 8AM spin class and did not appreciate having to wake up so early!

    My favorite thing I’ll be eating this week is a stewed beef with Guinness…so amazing! 🙂

    Hope you have a great week! P.S. are you ready for the Bachelor finale??