Whole 30 and Why I’m Doing It

It’s time for me to come clean.

For the past couple of months I have been researching a program called The Whole 30.  After weighing the pros and cons, reading personal blogs, researching recipes, and even purchasing the book It All Starts With Food I have decided to commit myself to completing my own Whole 30 challenge.


What is The Whole 30?

The Whole 30 is a 30 day challenge that consists of eliminating all potential food allergens (grains, dairy, refined sugars, and legumes) from the diet.  In a way, this program is like turning yourself into a science experiment to find out which foods are making you more healthy and which foods are not.

In the book It All Starts With Food, the authors and founders of the Whole 30 program, Dallas and Melissa Hartwig, outline what they believe makes food “good.”

it starts with food whole30


Good Food Standards:

  1. Promote a healthy psychological response.
  2. Promote a healthy hormonal response.
  3. Support a healthy gut.
  4. Support immune function and minimize inflammation.

I am absolutely loving the book because of all the science behind why this way of eating works.  Not only does it give all the sciencey background, but it also explains that after doing this 30 day challenge your relationship with food will change.

My favorite quote from the book, and the part that REALLY sold me on the program:

“After implementing our program, you won’t have to wonder whether the foods you are eating are healthy for you.  You’ll be able to make educated, informed food choices for the rest of your life.  And you’ll know how to enjoy treats, sweets, and other “less healthy” foods in a way that is moving you toward better health, fitness, and quality of life.”


Why Are You Doing the Challenge?  Don’t You Already Eat Pretty Healthy?

I try to eat a mostly healthy diet of fruits, veggies, lean protein, and lowfat dairy.  Many people (my husband and family included) really questioned why I would do something like this if I already had a relatively decent “balance” figured out.

I am using these next 30 days of “self-experimentation” to really get back to the basics.  Not only does this challenge eliminate all potential food allergens, but it also encourages healthy food hygiene (no cell phone or laptop during meal time!) and it almost forces you to be aware of WHY you are eating, craving, wanting certain foods.

While this challenge does “promise” that I will be healthier, happier, have more energy, and be in love with my body after these 30 days I am going into this challenge with ZERO expectations.  I am simply here to follow the rules and observe.

My Favorite Resources

There are so many resources for this plan, which have made it very easy to prepare for.  Some of my favorites are:

Keeping Myself Accountable

I plan on journaling how I feel each day of this process and documenting what I eat.  I also plan on “whole30ifying” some tasty recipes and sharing them with you as well.

whole30 tuna salad


whole30 veg shrimp curry crock pot

So there ya have it friends!  Wish me luck 🙂

Question of the Day:

  • Have you ever completed an elimination diet?  Were you able to stick with it the entire time?

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  1. Hi! I am on day 22 and I am still loving it and so grateful for the benefits. Glad you are doing it and I look forward to reading about your journey. Cheers.

  2. I found out about whole 30 last October, but I just looked at a distance. Recently a blog I like extended the offer to create menu plans for a whole 30. I am getting the emails, but I still have not done the program. I really want to read the book It Starts with Food first. I eat healthy, but there are a lot of things I would need to eliminate on this plan. I am planning to do this sometime soon in 2015. Thanks for your resource links.

  3. Hey Tara! I’m a new reader here and realise this is an older post but thank you for this- I’m considering doing a whole30 myself and this is so useful- I’m looking forward to catching up on all your posts now!


  4. Great challenge Tara. I’m eager and excited to see the result of this. Really encouraged by your food hygiene approach.

    We wish you all the luck. Brilliant idea.


    • I get you with the painful swollen tummy…totally uncomfortable!! I am journalling each day, so I will be sure to keep you posted!