Whole 30 Week 2 Review

Remember last week when it was the coldest day in Indianapolis at -38 degrees outside?

Well today it is 48 degrees…above zero!  My how things can change in just one week!

Today is officially Day 13 of my Whole 30 Challenge, which means I am almost half way through.  I can’t believe it!

I have continued to maintain my journal regarding how I felt each day, and I have taken several pictures of my food.

According to the Whole 30 Timeline, I have gotten through the hardest days…phew!! And this week I should expect BOUNDLESS ENERGY.  I can’t wait 🙂

Whole 30 Journal Week 2

Day 7

  • Was VERY snacky today and less achy.
  • Ate more nuts in the morning between breakfast and lunch despite the “plan” not recommending snacking.
  • No Bowel movement

Day 8

  • Woke up several times during the night, but still felt refreshed when I woke up in the morning for work.
  • I felt very refreshed and excited to start the day.
  • My stomach felt a little more bloated than normal after breakfast and lunch today, but today is the day when “my pants are supposed to be tight” so I guess that is probably normal.
  • No headache, no sleepiness during the day.
  • Bowel Movement in the evening.

Day 9

  • Felt refreshed in the morning.
  • Did not drink as much water as usual today.
  • Felt a little more bloated than normal today.
  • Started to get a slight headache right before bed, but I was up later than normal so I went to bed and woke up fine!

Day 10

  • I typically set an alarm to get up, and then I set a “late” alarm which allows me to get up at a later time  than normal but still gives me adequate time to get ready to leave
    • I woke up at the “late” time!!! I haven’t done that in a LONG time.
    • Was VERY hungry after my morning workout.
    • Drove from Indianapolis to Fort Wayne and ate a snack of almonds and an apple.
    • Felt very good the entire day.

Day 11

  • Felt great and refreshed upon waking.
  • Was hungry and ready for breakfast as soon as I woke up.
  • Completed a long workout of several group fitness classes back to back as part of a Les Mills launch and had AMAZING energy throughout the entire workout.  I felt like the energizer bunny.
  • Started to feel a little tired towards the evening, but made sure to eat an extra snack because of the extra physical activity.

Day 12

  • Was expecting my body to be extremely sore from the workout, but my body actually felt pretty good!
  • I was more tired and hungry throughout the day, and I think it was part of the after effect of the hard workout the day before.

Below is a look at some eats from week 2.

Whole 30 Week 2 Breakfasts

Veggie egg scramble (2 egg whites, one egg) with a side of fruit topped with almond butter.

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Spinach scramble with a side of fruit and PECAN butter…so delicious!

whole 30 breakfast

One day, I FORGOT the egg part of my breakfast at home!!! YIKES! That day I ate my fruit with pecan butter and a little bit of my tuna salad from lunch.

whole 30 breakfast

3 eggs scrambled topped with salsa, apple, and coconut milk iced coffee.

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Whole 30 Week 2 Lunches

I used my tuna salad recipe and switched the tuna with salmon…so tasty!

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Tuna salad with curry roasted cauliflower, raw celery and carrots, and an apple.

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I had tuna salad this day, but took a picture after I ate it…oops!  The sides were roasted zucchini with broccoli, cucumbers and an apple.

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Salad full of veggies, avocado, tuna, and a hardboiled egg.

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Whole 30 Dinners Week 3

Ratatouille with a side of salmon.

ratatouilli via treble in the kitchen

Salmon cakes with roasted veggies.

salmon cakes

Ratatouille with a salmon cake and salad.

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Lots of ratatouille and salmon cakes this week 🙂

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I whipped up scrambled eggs with spinach and salsa as a quick dinner one night.

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While I was home for the weekend, Mom made pumpkin soup (so good!) with a salad topped with salmon.

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“Buffalo” shrimp, sweet potato, and summer squash.

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A delicious new slow cooker meal with salmon and salad on the side.


There ya have it friends!

Wish me luck as I enter Week 3!!

Question of the Day:

  • Share one thing you are looking forward to this week!  

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  1. Want to start the Whole30 and LOVE your review and food choices! My question…I love Salmon cakes but, not sure how I would prepare them “Whole30” friendly. Can you share your recipe?

    • Good luck with your first Whole 30!! This is the recipe I used and adapted for my salmon cakes–http://www.everydaymaven.com/2013/paleo-salmon-cakes/

  2. Hah. I know what you mean about the weather! Indy has had some crazy ups and downs this season. I was happy to finally be able to enjoy the great outdoors again today!
    I just start doing the 21 Day Sugar Detox, which is somewhat similar to the Whole 30, so I can relate. I love seeing your recaps. I think it’s very helpful for both yourself and others to record your physical and mental feelings. It will be interesting to look back at the end of the challenge and see how things changed over time. 🙂

  3. I love that you really broke down your true feelings & included whether or not you had a bowel movement. I know for some that could be TMI- but it’s so important to know esp. when changing your diet.

    All your meals look great – youre doing an awesome job w/ switching it up.. even if you use very similar ingredients! Good luck this week!

  4. I really love reading these recaps! Everything looks so yummy and clearly with a little preparation this is totally do-able. I am always a bit concerned with my fish/seafood consumption — I tend to eat only a few portions a week. Is this at all a concern for you?

    • Hey Amy, great question! You know, I know there are risks with consuming too much seafood, but there are also risks with consuming too many soy products and I am not comfortable eating meat (even chicken) right now…beans/legumes are a no no on the whole 30 so fish and eggs are IT for me when it comes to protein on the Whole 30. There are always things that I can do better, but for now I am trying to get fresh, wild-caught fish from responsible sources 🙂