Weekend Recap 3.21.2014

After enjoying our final day at the beach…

1-photo (17)

spring break 2014

run spring break

walking on the beach spring break

Brian and I had to head back home to Indianapolis. ย While we really do miss the warmth and the sunshine, it certainly does feel good to be back home and I am glad that I had the chance to get organized for the upcoming week.

Here is a little peak at what Brian and I did this weekend!

Brian helped me film a video for the blog. ย I still need to edit it, but I should have it up this week!

workout video 1

After eating a lunch of romaine with hummus (because our fridge was literally bare!)…


Brian and I hit up the grocery store to get stocked for the week. ย It sure feels great to have a fully stocked fridge!

grocery shopping

We then enjoyed a delicious salad for dinner…more details on this later ๐Ÿ™‚

salmon salad 1

We had a great time at a baby shower for a friend of ours from dental school.

baby shower 2

baby shower

Everything was so cute!

baby shower 3

After the baby shower, Brian and I headed to the movie theater to meet my sister and her boyfriend to see Divergent.


While there were a couple of things different from the book…I still enjoyed the movie. ย Now, we have to read the second book!


This morning, I woke up wanting to work out, but I did not want to run in the cold…so I pulled out my old Insanity DVD and did the Pure Cardio workout. ย I forgot how COMPLETELY sweaty those workouts make me!

post workout

After my workout, it was time to prep food for the week. ย I cut up all my veggies, made a frittata, and packed all my lunches some of which are these delicious looking collard wraps.

lunch wrap 3

I can’t wait for lunch this week!

lunch wrap 1

After doing some other less fun things around the house (laundry…), practicing Bodypump and CXWORX it was eventually time for dinner. ย I was in a creative mood and attempted baking shrimp for the first time. ย Yum! ย It was so good. ย We enjoyed roasted veggies and a side salad with the shrimp.

citrus shrimp dinner 2

And THAT my friends is our weekend in a nutshell.

I hope your weekend was great too! ย Anyone else see the new Divergent movie?

Your Turn:

  • Share something fun you did this weekend or something you are looking forward to this week!
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  1. OMG I want to see the divergent movie so bad!! I BLEW through all 3 books (I read the 3rd one in one day). The ending made me sad though ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ™

    • It is SO good!! I just started the second one…I wanted the suspense during the movie of not knowing what happens next ๐Ÿ™‚ HA!

  2. We have the same camera! Do you like shooting video’s with it? I like it okay, but sometimes I think my iPhone is better! I might just not have it on the right settings, though. I’ve been too lazy to look through the manual.. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • I actually do like shooting videos with it, but I’m definitely no expert…still learning so much ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Welcome home, Tara! Glad you had such a wonderful time in Florida though. Your collard wrap sound delicious. I always forgot how simple & fantastic they are for lunch. Thanks for sharing.