{VIDEO} Top 5 Products I Couldn’t Live Without During my Whole30

This weekend was pretty uneventful, but it WAS pretty productive.

I was featured in an article on the Twenty Something Indy blog, which is pretty cool to me! πŸ™‚

I made another frittata for easy breakfasts.


Made some roasted veggies for the week.

food prep 1

Ate lots of yummy veggies πŸ™‚


lunch whole 30

dinner salad

Logged some treadmill miles.

running treadmill

Reviewed and created a recipe for Taste Nirvana coconut water (so good!!) I can’t wait to share it with you later in the week!

taste nirvana coconut water

Baked cookies for Noah’s Bake Sale hosted by Steph from Steph’s Bite by Bite. Β (Some serious self control going on over here…I didn’t even have a taste!!)


And last but not least, I made a video for all of you!!

This video outlines my FAVORITE products that I used during my Whole 30 Challenge.

I have started the reintegration process, and I will update you on the entire process once it is complete!

Top 5 Products

Here are some of the products mentioned in the video:

Question of the Day:

  • What did you do this weekend? Β Was it a FUN weekend or a PRODUCTIVE weekend?

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  1. Loved this video! I’m highly considering doing the Whole 30 in the near future, so this was great for me to see. I’m definitely interested in purchasing those stackable containers and little baggies. Such great ideas!