Top 3 Tips for Your First Pure Barre Platform Class

Tips for Your First Pure Barre Platform Class from Treble in the Kitchen

Not too long ago, I was gifted with a VIP Red Card Membership to help Pure Barre launch their new cardio based class, Platform.

I’ve taken the class a few times, and I’ve incorporated barre into my regular workout routine for the first time ever. Β These classes are definitely a change of pace from heavy weight lifting, HIIT and indoor cycling, but I’m absolutely loving the challenge!

Pure Barre Denver

In Pure Barre classes, the focus is on the smallest movement possible to really activate deep into the muscles, but in Platform classes the focus is on big movements that really elevate the heart rate and help build endurance in addition to strength.

For me, the biggest immediateΒ difference in class was that I was absolutely drenched in sweat by the end of Platform, but at the end of Pure Barre I’m usually pretty dry.

Because I want all of you to try Platform and get the most out of it, I met with Lindsey, the local Pure Barre owner to learn theΒ Top 3 Tips for Your First Pure Barre Platform Class.

Tips for Your First Pure Barre Platform Class from Treble in the Kitchen

Top 3 Tips for @purebarre #platform technique! Share on X

1. Β Bring a towel

I alluded to this tip above, but I’ll make my point again…you WILL sweat in this class. Β Don’t fight it, just bring a towel.

2. Β This class will be challenging every time, so don’tΒ allow yourself to feel defeated. Β Embrace the challenge and allow it to push you a little further each time.

I loved this piece of advice because it’s so true! I consider myself to be in pretty good shape, but this class is moving my body in ways that are totally new to me. Β Not to mention, there is a bit of coordination involved. Β Because of that, I’m sure everyone felt a little silly at points in their first class or two (I know I did!)

3. Β There are always modifications available to make the class moreΒ manageable.

While I mentioned in tip 2 that the class will always be challenging, I want to make note that there is a difference between something being difficult and not doing something with proper alignment or technique. Β Luckily, the instructors are experts in the class and will happily make sure that every participant is in correct form for their ownΒ body and fitness level.

Tips for Your First Pure Barre Platform Class from Treble in the Kitchen

Some notes about technique:

For me, technique is SUPER important and the Pure Barre team totally agrees with me! Β Because of this, I asked Lindsey a few technique tips as well:

Technique Tips for @purebarre #platform Share on X

1. Β It’s all about theΒ positioning of the platform. Β You will move it a lot back and forth based on your body because we are all different!

This tip was an eye opener for me. Β While I was moving my platform a bit, I wasn’t really moving it every time the instructor suggested because I thought it was fine where it was. Β Turns out I was wrong and I really need to focus on my body position in relation to the barre on the platform.

2. Β The hardest position to hold is the right one.

Of course, right!? Β I asked Lindsey a couple of detailed questions because I wasn’t sure if I was doing a move correct. Β When she said this it all clicked. Β It may not feel “good” but if it’s challenging, it’s right.

3. Β It doesn’t matter how high you lift your leg your jump.

Thank you! Β Our bodies are all different, our fitness levels are all different, and we need to embrace that. Β Of course, itΒ feelsΒ good when we can kick our leg as high as the instructor, but without excellent technique we aren’t reaping all the benefits of the exercise. Β It’s better to have perfect alignment and a low leg than alignment that is all out of whack and your leg touching your head.

Tips for Your First Pure Barre Platform Class from Treble in the Kitchen

I can’t thank Lindsey and the Pure Barre team enough for working with me to create this post! I hope you all have the chance to give this class a try!

Question of the Day:

  • Have you tried Pure Barre Platform?
  • What is your favorite cardio workout?
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  1. I just started taking pure barre a few months ago and really like it! Though, there are still times when I don’t know exactly what I am doing- love that tip “the hardest position to hold is the right one.” Makes so much sense! Though, I love when instructors come around and move me, I know that it’s easy to get out of proper form, which can totally change the workout you have.

    • I love love love being put into the correct position in class. It is really easy to NOT be in that perfect position, so I need all the help I can get.

    • LOVE this Tara! I have been doing Barre for about 2 weeks and am loving how it makes me so present! It’s Super challenging but I love how kind my instructors are to help me out with it. Great tips!

      • I love that you describe the class as making you present. That is a perfect way to think about the challenge πŸ™‚

    • Yes! Love that switching up the workout routine is fun AND good for me πŸ™‚ So fun seeing you in class!