The Rhythm Revolution Experience Review

After puppy school on Saturday morning, I ate a quick snack grabbed my bags and was on my way to the Anschutz Health and Wellness Center in Aurora, CO for a course on The Rhythm Revolution Experience.

Rhythm Revolution Training | Tara

So, you are probably wondering…what is “The Rhythm Revolution Experience?”

The Rhythm Revolution Experience started as a tool for just cycling instructors but it has quickly grown to encompass tips for fitness professionals of all formats. Β According to Jasmine, the owner, founder, and teacher Rhythm Revolution is “the first musically specific instructor training to hit the fitness industry. Β Learn how to effectively design an unmatched class rhythm and the common heartbeat with the music you mindfully select and construct for your rides (or workouts).”

Rhythm Revolution

I was first introduced to Jasmine and The Rhythm Revolution by Erin, a fitness friend that also lives and Denver (and used to live in Indianapolis!). Β We attended one of her group fitness classes, and I loved the way it was set to the music.

As a music lover, the beat DRIVES my workout. Β It affects my mood and whether or not the workout was great or so-so. Β While I am in love with music and I love attending classes that really make me feel awesome after the workout, I needed a little assistance in the “creating a playlist” department. Β The music I listen to on a daily basis is either Top 40, Disney, or Broadway…not exactly “pump up” music for the general population. This training was just what I needed!

Rhythm Revolution Training | Tara

Below is a general overview of the day in Q & A format (but feel free to ask questions of your own in the comments section or shoot me an e-mail!)

  • Do you need to be a certified fitness professional to take The Rhythm Revolution Experience?

Yes. Β This is not an instructor training, it is a course for currently certified instructors full of tools to truly enhance the group fitness class experience.

  • How long is the class?

We met for about 5 hours on a Saturday. Β Homework was given to us, but whether or not you complete it is up to you. Β Completing the homework and reviewing the notes outside of the session will only enhance and reinforce what Jasmine teaches.

  • How much does the course cost?


  • What should I wear?

Comfy workout gear and layers! Β Depending on your fitness center, you may be cool at the beginning because you will be sitting down and taking notes, but you may get a little heated up when Jasmine has you get up and move your body to the music. Β I wore gym shoes, long leggings, a sports bra and tank top with a cozy fitness pullover. Β I also had extra layers in my bag just in case (I’m always freezing!)

  • What should I bring with me?

I packed: Β lunch, a couple of snacks, extra layers of clothing, shorts (just in case I was hot!), a pencil, a highlighter, notebook, and folder.

  • How does lunch work?

We were given a 20 minute lunch break, but we were encouraged to pack snacks and to pack our own lunch so we could easily stay on task and get back to work.

  • What can I expect to learn during the training?

The beginning portion of the course was a lot of review in regards to what makes a class GREAT vs good, but personally I think friendly reminders of the things we already know are ALWAYS helpful. Β We then went on to review some studies about the benefit of music and visual imagery when paired with a workout. Β We went through a little beat clinic where we listened to the music and identified the various parts (intro, chorus, verse, etc). Β My favorite part was actually getting on the computer and listening to the “Wide World of Music.”

Jasmine provided us with an endless amount of resources such as SoundCloud and Shazam (yes, I realize I was totally living under a rock and almost everyone in the class was already using these tools!), and she explained how to connect and flow a playlist based on genres of music. Β Some genres just don’t mesh well when placed back to back and she provided us with a roadmap so that our playlists are totally rockin’ and seamless.

Once we listened to various music and understood how to make things “flow” we listened to music and jotted down some exercises or cues that came to mind that we could use to the music.

This was one of those classes that left me feeling inspired and wanting to go create a million playlists RIGHT then!IsΒ 

  • Is this only a Denver based training?

I’m not sure! Β We were able to receive AFAA credit for the course, so I would hope that Jasmine can bring this experience out of Denver. Β To find out more specific details, you can message Jasmine at rhythmrevolutioneducation at gmail dot com. Β She would love to hear from you!

**Also, if you are fitness/music lover you should totally follow Jasmine (the beat gypsy) on SoundCloud. Β She has one workout playlist currently posted, but she mentioned that she wants to post a weekly playlist.

Aaaaaand that’s it!! I tried my best to answer any questions I could think of, but if I missed something you are curious about please email me or comment below and I’ll make sure to get back to you.

Question of the Day:

  • Do you find music inspiring during a workout?
  • What are some of your favorite songs to work out to?
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  1. I don’t know how I feel about (cardio) working out with music. I don’t usually do it, but every so often I CRAVE SOME JAMS when I am going at it. However when I am working out with weights, OH THE BEATS ARE ON… And I wind up dancing more than lifting, LOL!

  2. This class seems so cool and useful! I’m just like you and rely on music A LOT during my workout, especially my runs. This is a weird coincidence, but I actually have a post all about one of my playlists on my blog today! (I’ll be sharing more playlists for other workouts in the future πŸ™‚ )