Superset Resistance Band Workout

I hope your weekend was FANTASTIC! Things have been pretty good around here, because Brian and I are in INDIANA visiting family for the week πŸ™‚

Last week, things were pretty boring in the food department (lots of grilled chicken, sauteed greens, roasted veggies and cleaning out the fridge…), but as far as workouts go I hit a big milestone in my marathon training:

Marathon Training

My first run OVER 13 miles, aka the longest distance I have ever run. Β As you can see I took it pretty slow, as this run was completed LESS than a week after the Georgetown to Idaho Springs Half Marathon. Β While I wish I was able to run a bit faster I am happy that I did it and I am ready to embrace some shorter distances this week.

On the more social end of things, Brian and I went to the Idina Menzel (Maureen from Rent and the original Elphaba from Wicked on Broadway) concert at Red Rocks last week and it was 100% amazing πŸ™‚

Red Rocks Concert | Treble in the Kitchen

Red Rocks Concert | Treble in the KitchenThe music was spectacular and the venue was really awesome. Β So fun!

OK, now to the REAL point of the post. Β I have an amazing workout to share with all of you!

We all know how important strength training is, right?

While training for the marathon, I have found that it can be a bit challenging to fit resistance training into the routine simply because of time. Β Now, because I realize everyone is busy busy busy, time really isn’t a good excuse (at least not for me!). Β So to overcome this time issue, I have been doing most of my resistance training at home (aside from the Bodypump class I am currently teaching.)

While I would love to have a nice home gym some day, right now I live in an apartment so my “fancy home gym” consists of yoga mats, a couple of light dumbbells, and a resistance band!

Superset Resistance Band Workout | Treble in the Kitchen

This resistance band is great because it is easy to pack in your bag for travel, can be used in so many ways and it’s super inexpensive. Β When we lived back in Indianapolis, I was teaching a Les Mills class called CXWORXΒ that I absolutely adored! Β I’m still certified in the class here in Denver, it’s just not part of my regular teaching schedule. Β The class focuses on bodyweight exercises and exercises using the resistance band to strengthen the core. Β Much of my at-home strength training has been inspired by this CXWORX class!

*As with any fitness class/program/workout, please modify as needed and check with your doctor if necessary!

Superset Resistance Band Workout

Equipment Needed:

This workout is completed as “supersets.” Β That means, you complete both exercises in the superset on each side for 14 repetitions, thenΒ take a quick breather/water break and move on to the second superset. Β Once you have completed all four supersets, go back to the beginning of the workout and complete the first superset with 12 repetitions. Β Go through all the supersets repeating the same pattern as the first time through but only complete 12 repetitions. Β Do the same for 10 repetitions, 8, 6, 4, all the way down to 2 repetitions.

Superset Resistance Band Workout | Treble in the Kitchen

Kneeling Woodchopper: Β Lower down onto your Right knee with your Left leg extended out to the side. Β Place the resistance band under your Left foot and hold onto the handles with both hands. Β Make sure you have equal distance on each side of the tubing. Β Pull the tube from the side to the front of the body just under your shoulder height, rotating the mid section and keeping the chest lifted. Β Lower the handles back to starting position and repeat until the correct number of repetitions has been completed then complete the exercise on the opposite side.

Power Skater: Β Place the resistance band under your Right food with equal distance on each side of the tub. Β Place the handles together and hold onto the cloth sides of the handles close to the chest. Β Keep the hips square to the front, abs tight, and stay lifted through the chest as you step to the side in a lunge with the Left foot. Β Bring the Left foot back in to the Right, tap the foot down and step back out to the lunge position. Β Repeat until the correct number of repetitions is completed and then do this on the other side.

Single Leg Squat: Β Fold the tube of the resistance band in half and place it under your Right foot. Β The closer your foot is to the handles, the more resistance you will have and the harder the exercise will be. Β Place one handle in each hand and put your hands on your hips. Β Shift your upper body forward in a 45Β° angle while keeping the abs braced. Β Extend your Left leg to the back of the room with a light amount of pressure on the left big toe. Β Bend your Right knee into a squat position and then straighten your leg to get back into starting position. Β To increase the intensity of this exercise hover your back foot off the ground. Β Complete the correct number of repetitions and then repeat on the opposite side.

Standing Row: Β Place the center of the resistance band under both feet, making sure feet are hip width apart. Β Cross the tubes of the band in front of your body and hold onto the handles. Β Hinge forward from the hips, making sure to pull the core in tight to protect the lower back. Β Leading with the elbows and keeping the knuckles facing forward, pull the tube up as you squeeze tight between the shoulder blades for one rep. Β Return back to starting position and repeat until the correct number of repetitions has been completed.

Kickback: Β Place Right foot in handle of resistance band.

Superset Resistance Band Workout | Treble in the Kitchen

Hold the other handle of the resistance band with your Left hand. Β Get on all fours with your hands under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Β Extend the right leg out behind you at a 45Β° angle making sure to keep the hips and shoulders square to the ground. Β Lift and lower the leg for one repetition. Β Repeat until the correct number of repetitions is complete and repeat on the opposite side.

Squat with Bicep Curl: Β Stand with both feet on the center of your resistance band. Β Heels directly under your hips, making sure the tubing is even on both sides and one hand is in each handle. Β While holding onto the handles, bring your arms to a 90Β° position, so that your forearms are parallel to the ground. Β Sit your hips down and back into a squat position, and rotate your arms up until a bicep curl while maintaining the 90Β° bend in the arm. Β Stand up and return to starting position. Β Repeat until the correct number of repetitions has been completed.

Squat with Alternating Kickback: Β Place the resistance band under your feet, and place your feet just outside the hips. Β Cross the handles in front of the body and hold onto the handles with your hands, placing your hands on your hips. Β Sit the hips down and back as you lower the body into squat. Β As you stand kick the right leg to the back of the room. Β Sit the hips down and back as you lower into another squat and as you stand kick the left leg to the back of the room. This is one repetition. Β  Try not to lean to the side. Β  Repeat until the correct number of repetitions is complete.

Seated Row: Β Take a seat on the ground with your legs extended out in front of you. Β Place the resistance band under your feet with equal distance on each side. Β Hold onto the handles or the tube itself. Β Lift through the chest and sit tall as you pull the tubing in towards your body making sure to squeeze tight between the shoulder blades. Β Release the tube back to starting position and repeat until the correct number of repetitions are completed.

Superset Resistance Band Workout | Treble in the Kitchen

I hope you guys enjoy the workout and have a fabulous day!!

Question of the Day:

  • How do you incorporate strength training when you can’t make it to the gym?
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  1. I love my resistance bands! I almost always do my strength training workouts with them or I have some select-tech weights at home I use! I am definitely going to give this resistance band superset workout a go! Thanks.

  2. This is super creepy, but as soon as I started reading this post, Let it Go came on my random playlist! I’m a huge Idina fan, and Red Rocks is gorgeous, so I’m super jealous you got to see her there! I bet it was amazing, and you look so cute! Great job on your long run, and I think that’s a great pace! Just hitting that milestone is an achievement.