Super Citrus Smoothie!

Hey friends!

I hope you had a lovely Valentine’s Day!  I have a post coming later today with more details about our group Valentine’s Day celebration, but I’ll give ya a little spoiler…it was great, delicious, and so much fun to be with so many people we love 🙂

To go along with the LOVE theme, I wanted to mention the Love Your Body accountability Challenge that Maria and I are hosting this month.

Love Your Body Challenge 2015

I can’t believe it, but we are already in week 3!! The challenge this week? Drink a GREEN smoothie!  There are several smoothie recipes in my recipe archives (or you could just search “smoothie” on the search bar!), but I thought I would share a fun and yummy smoothie recipe with you today for a little inspiration.

Super Citrus Smoothie via Treble in the Kitchen

Super Citrus Smoothie

This Super Citrus Green Smoothie is light and refreshing.  The citrus and vanilla pair together to give this smoothie a bright, sweet, and creamy flavor.  And I SWEAR you can’t taste the spinach 🙂

Yields:  1 smoothie


  • 1/2 cup coconut milk
  • 1/2 cup water (you could sub 1 cup of almond milk or your favorite milk for the 1/2 cup of coconut milk and 1/2 cup of water)
  • 1 frozen banana
  • 1 orange, peeled
  • 1 scoop Vega One Protein Powder
  • 1 handful of spinach


  1. Combine all ingredients in a high powered blender.
  2. Blend on high until thoroughly combined and the smoothie is of the desired consistency.  (You may need to scrape down the sides a bit to get all the spinach mixed in.)
  3. Serve in your favorite glass with a fun straw (or in a bowl with a spoon!) and enjoy!

Super Citrus Smoothie via Treble in the Kitchen

Super Citrus Smoothie via Treble in the Kitchen

INSIDER TIP!  To make ANY smoothie a green smoothie, simply add in a large handful of spinach and blend blend blend! You cannot taste the spinach at all and you get TONS of vitamins and nutrients in while sipping a delicious drink that tastes like a treat!

Vega provided me with samples of their protein powder, but I received no compensation for this post.  My love for Vega and green smoothies is genuine!

Your Turn:

  • What is your favorite smoothie combo?

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  1. I never would have thought of citrus and vanilla going together but it sounds good! My favorite smoothie is half a frozen banana, 1/2 cup strawberries, my favorite strawberry shakeology, 1/2 cup kale and 1 cup unsweetened almond milk! I’m a little strawberry obsessed! 🙂