Sneaky Sweet Potato Chocolate Smoothie

If you follow Meg from A Dash of Meg on Instagram, then you know she LOVES her post workout smoothies. 😉

One thing that really stood out to me about her smoothies was one specific ingredient:  sweet potatoes.

She swears the sweet potatoes make the smoothies nice and thick, but I couldn’t help but think that sweet potatoes sounded like an odd ingredient.

Even still, I wanted to give it a try!  Sweet potatoes are chock full of Vitamin A and other nutrients and I love thick smoothies…so this weekend I gave in and did it!

Sweet potato smoothie via Treble in the Kitchen


The sweet potato definitely made my smoothie thick and filling, and it didn’t really add any sweet potato flavor.

sweet potato smoothie 2

The smoothie was sweet and chocolatey (because I added cocoa powder) just as if I hadn’t added the sweet potato at all…but the thickness was WAY better than without this secret ingredient.  I definitely recommend giving the sweet potato smoothie combo a try 🙂

sweet potato smoothie recipe via treble in the kitchen


**Don’t forget to enter my Fresh Wave giveaway!!

Question of the Morning:

  • Are you a fruity smoothie person or a chocolately/peanut buttery kind of smoothie person?

For me, it totally depends on the day! 😉

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  1. Hello to a fellow Tara! Do you pronounce it Ter-ah or Tar-ah?

    I don’t make smoothies very often because it’s a pain in the butt but if I order one ever, it’s usually a green machine or something similar.

  2. This is a great idea – love sweet potato but glad the flavor doesn’t seem to come through too strongly in this recipe.

    Personally, I’m a fruit smoothie fan. But a peanut butter smoothie makes for a great treat every once in awhile!

  3. Eeeeeek the way you started this post off is too cute for words! HAHA! You are just too sweet Tara! I really appreciate you giving me creeds for the original recipe 🙂 You’re amazing and know that! I adore you! I am so happy you loved the smoothie! I put like 2 cups of sweet potato in mine and it becomes thick thick THICK and tastes just like ice cream muahahaha

  4. Sweet potato smoothies are so good & creamy. I love adding a big scoop of coconut peanut butter, coconut flour & coconut flakes with the mixture.